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WP1: Data collection compared to initial data inventory

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1 WP1: Data collection compared to initial data inventory
M. Vinci, M. Lipizer, A. Giorgetti EMODnet Chemistry, 3rd year meeting, June 8-9, 2016 Helsinki, Finland

2 WP1: Data collection compared to initial data inventory
Tender specific objectives EMODnet overall achievements since 2013 Detailed overview per region Main findings and gaps

3 Initial Data inventory
Data inventory submitted with project proposal:

4 Tender specific objectives
What we have today:

5 EMODnet overall achievements (monthly report):
CDIs cdi duplicates maintenance the disbanding of YugNIRO cdi duplicates maintenance

6 EMODnet overall achievements (bimonthly reports):

7 EMODnet overall achievements since 2013
Water column

8 EMODnet overall achievements since 2013
Sediment Biota

9 EMODnet overall achievements since 2013 (P03)
Pigments Nutrients Anthropogenic contamination Dissolved gases ALL MATRIXES

10 EMODnet overall achievements since 2013 (P03)
Acidity Plastics Pharmaceuticals ? ALL MATRIXES

11 Detailed overview per region
Check between Initial data inventory vs EMODnet CDI availability (begin May 2016) Comparison between inventory and CDI availability made difficult by: Discrepancies in institute names and acronyms Differences in institute names (changed!) (IBSS edmo= 840  IMBR edmo=4483 EDMO update needed!) Name of compounds (entries in Inventory vs vocabs P03) (eg. Dioxins, synthetic compounds, general chemical, …) Continuous update (which is good!) inventory Edmo

12 Detailed overview per region
Baltic Sea: Mainly radionuclides and contaminants

13 Detailed overview per region
Greater North Sea, Celtic Sea: Mainly radionuclides and contaminants

14 Detailed overview per region
North East Atlantic: Older data (but focus was on recent data!)

15 Detailed overview per region
Mediterranean Sea: Radionuclides and contaminants

16 Detailed overview per region
Black Sea: Radionuclides and contaminants

17 Findings and Gaps As a conclusion:
Mainly radionuclides and contaminants Some data on biota and sediment Plastics Pharmaceuticals As a conclusion: Good match between initial inventory and current EMODnet data delivery (still some time to complete!) Also considering the new call for tender, is it possible to contribute with some data on “Plastics”?

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