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No Small Change How to build a healthy, intentional culture at work

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Presentation on theme: "No Small Change How to build a healthy, intentional culture at work"— Presentation transcript:

1 No Small Change How to build a healthy, intentional culture at work
Presented by Dr. De Hicks

2 Our point of view Neuro-Psychology, Sociology, Behavioral Economics
High Performance Teams Sports Psychology Entrepreneurs The RMC Group of Companies

3 Additional resources The Resilient Supervisor: Leadership Skills for Supervisor’s of High Impact Organizations De Hicks’ Leadership Letter 5 Disciplines of High Impact Teams (Coming in September 2019) The Culture Code: Secrets of Highly Successful Groups, Dan Coyle Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces that Shape Our Decisions, Dan Ariely (pronounced AIR-e-ellie)

4 The Iceberg model Observable behavior Disciplines Habits Mental Models (assumptions) Values Culture

5 What is culture? Culture is “how it really works around here.”
Culture is behavioral Culture springs from values. It makes what we value visible. It is a group’s values in action

6 Culture is either accidental or intentional
The Story of Spam The Story of Your Workplace

7 How to create an intentional culture
Create clarity and alignment What really matters? What does value look like behaviorally?

8 Keepers of the culture The people who are models of the culture
The people who others want to please or imitate The people with authority “We don’t do that around here.”

9 Shadow cultures Cultures that exist in the shadows.
They are created when there is a gap between what we say matters to us and what actually matters to us And, when we ignore that gap Shadow cultures are the REAL culture.

10 Leadership matters Activate the Change Wheel Think Act Feel

11 More questions than answers?
Donnie Quitugua, Executive Vice President and Chief Operations Officer, RMC Group of Companies Dr. De Hicks, President and CEO, RMC Group of Companies

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