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Executing Marketing Strategies.

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1 Executing Marketing Strategies

2 A “Customer Focused” Organisation in Strategic Marketing
Transforming from a “Traditional” to A “Customer Focused” Organisation in Strategic Marketing Change organisational culture Do we TRANSFORM Get an organ- isational fit --(lots of break-downs here) Achieve success Fine- Tune Go into excess Most Businesses Start with a Strategic Concept Products/ Services Challenge the whole underlying business model (all 7-S) Retain Share Values/Culture Search for Improved tools and techniques Do we CHANGE PASCALE, 1995

“Do more of what I say” TO ”Do more of what our best customers want Beating the competition TO Winning with customers who matter most Meeting short term TO Growing long term customer value investor expectations Maintaining legacy strategies, TO Transforming the firm to improve “customer structures and processes for experience” “stability” Data, reporting and inquires TO Data, reporting and inquiries which focus on which focus on our “service “who is buying” delivery” Being Truly Customer-Centric in Strategic Marketing requires finding out what your customers want and need, and structuring your organization, products and services to meet their needs and solving their problems!


5 Elements in the McKinsey 7-S Framework
Structure: The organisation chart and role expectations Systems: Procedures and processes for getting things done Styles: The behaviors that reflect the personalities of self and others Staff: The people, their diversity and strengths and weaknesses Shared The values that determine behavior and culture of the Values Organisation Skills: Those capabilities possessed by people in an organisation Strategy: A coherent set of goals and actions aimed at gaining sustainable competitive advantage over competitors and satisfying customers

6 Calmatron Case Questions
Describe the job Kerkoff was hired to do in Portugal? List the problems Kerkoff encountered in Portugal? If we could go back in time, what should Kerkoff have done to successfully re-launch the Marketing campaign? If we could go back in time, what should the leadership in Portugal have done to insure a successful re-launch of the Marketing campaign. What should happen now?

7 Calmatron Case Answers
Describe the job Kerkoff was hired to do in Portugal? Project Manager: To relaunch product after a failed marketing campaign. “I’m from Head Office and I’m here to help” List the problems Kerkoff encountered in Portugal? He was culturally naïve (he focused on the “external” Marketing issues and neglected to understand the differences in “internal” organisational cultures between Brussels and Portugal – and the differences in National cultures Poor relations with his manager No evidence he asked the right questions? (why did the previous re-launch fail? (what were the “internal” and “external” customer and stakeholder challenges that impacted the failed marketing campaign?) He did not truly understand the problems and challenges he would face in re-launching the campaign He said he “consulted” with relevant people – but rushed in to implement “his baby” and made hasty marketing decisions to implement his marketing research and plan without sign-offs, buy- in and time-line agreements from all internal stakeholders. Played the “blame” game and did not first “look in the mirror”

8 3. If we could go back in time, what should Kerkoff have done to successfully re-launch the Marketing campaign? Find out more about what the job entails before he accepts the overseas assignment in Portugal – look for “job and cultural fit” Cement relations with his manager in Portugal Form a multi-functional task force to analyze “what went wrong” with the first launch of the Marketing campaign Formulate a set of Strategic Marketing strategies and a written Strategic Marketing plan for review by Mr Janssen with internal and external stakeholder involvement for buy-in, sign-offs, time-lines and outcome deliverables Lose his arrogance – needs to do “naïve listening” 4. What should the leadership in Portugal have done? Provided “Leadership” for Kerkoff (set joint goals, give feedback, provide coaching and mentoring with formal and informal regular reviews of progress Be available for support and guidance

Significant investment of time and money Significant RISK Must have world-class product (quality) or price or distribution (place) or promotion attributes, and other marketing-mix elements Must have competent leadership and cross-cultural marketing competence and maturity of personnel to execute global product, market and product penetration* * This factor is the most critical factor (HBR, 2017)

10 International Culture and Strategic Marketing
Cultural and Behavioral Differences To Consider Time orientation: The manner in which tasks are approached relative to time Business hours, business days Gift giving Socializing Gender roles Status concern and materialism

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