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FRIBS project – progress report

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1 FRIBS project – progress report
PRODCOM Working Group 29 November 2012 Eurostat Directorate G – Global business statistics

2 Outline of the presentation
Background information Actions in progress Consultation process Conclusions of the BSDG meeting (June 2012) Way forward

3 Background information: objective
FRAMEWORK REGULATION INTEGRATING BUSINESS STATISTICS (FRIBS) to establish a common legal framework for the systematic collection, compilation, transmission and dissemination of European statistics related with the structure, economic activity, competitiveness, global transactions and performance of the business sector.

4 Background information: integration principles
Central role of business registers. Reporting of data for business statistics referred to the same statistical unit, preferably a single one. NACE and CPA as reference classifications (common denominator). Consistent data requirements and methodological coherence between domains. Effective access to administrative records. Exchange of micro-data. Enhancements: more collection of data on services, intra-group trade, better timeliness.

5 Background information: scope
Infra-annual statistics

6 Background information: structure

7 Actions in progress 1/3

8 Actions in progress 2/3

9 Actions in progress 3/3

10 Consultation process FRIBS project has been subject to consultation in many meetings with Member States, some related with business statistics, some with macroeconomic statistics. Some of the results of this consultation have already been reflected in the evolution of the project. BSDG plays a key role in the consultation process. Other Commission DGs as well as the ECB also consulted. ESSC regularly reported: first progress report presented in its November 2012 meeting.

11 Consultation in the BSDG meeting (June 2012)
Welcomed the initiative of the FRIBS project to integrate business statistics in a single legal text. Supported to the on-going consultation process and corrective actions put in place. Involvement of other statistical domains should continue. The timetable of the project is still very ambitious. The main conclusions on the content of the draft legal text were the following: Further work is needed as regards the role of the business registers, the scope of the Regulation and their link to the definition of statistical unit for business statistics. Clarify the provisions to access to administrative data. Need to justify, precisely define the scope and test the exchange of micro-data. Legal architecture discussion (i.e. the method for the adoption of the technical provisions) to be dealt with at a later stage. The BSDG took note of the progress in the individual packages and expressed the need of continuing with the discussions at technical level.

12 Way forward 1/2

13 Way forward 2/2

14 Thank you for your attention!

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