Thankfulness and Prayer Philippians 1:1 - 11

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Presentation on theme: "Thankfulness and Prayer Philippians 1:1 - 11"— Presentation transcript:

1 Thankfulness and Prayer Philippians 1:1 - 11

2 Thankfulness and Prayer
Context of the letter Paul and Timothy are in prison in Rome The Philippian church was the first established in Europe by Paul (Acts 16:12) The church had sent him a support gift (Epaphroditus)

3 Thankfulness and Prayer
Greeting A letter from Paul and Timothy who are servants of Jesus Christ To all the saints (set apart ones) in Philippi Mention is made of elders and deacons - there is a structure in place in the church A greeting of grace and peace (Paul uses this greeting in 7 of his letters)

4 Thankfulness and Prayer
Paul has fond memories of the Philippians (despite being jailed there!) He thanks God for them with joy (joy or rejoice mentioned 16 times in the letter) He thanks God that they have consistently shared in the work of spreading the gospel

5 Thankfulness and Prayer
God finishes His work (6) When God begins a work in someone’s life He will bring it to completion God does nothing by half measures Paul is confident that God will be with them until Jesus returns

6 Thankfulness and Prayer
Sharing in gospel work (7) Even though he is in chains Paul knows that the work of the gospel carries on The Philippians receive the same grace from God as Paul does They can use their freedom to further the work of the gospel

7 Thankfulness and Prayer
Paul’s prayer for them (8 -11) He holds them close to his heart He cannot be with them to express his love but he can pray that God’s love will grow in them (abound) He prays for knowledge and discernment as they seek to live for God – so they do not love the wrong things (e.g. the world)

8 Thankfulness and Prayer
Paul’s prayer for them (8 -11) That their lives will be characterised by excellence That they will be people of sincerity and integrity That they will be filled with the fruits of righteousness This righteousness flows from Jesus (fruit of the Spirit Galatians 5:22 -23) All is to glorify and praise God

9 Thankfulness and prayer
What about us? Are we sharing in the work of the gospel? Do we give thanks to God for those who are sharing? Do we bring joy to a pastor’s heart like the Philippians did to Paul’s? Do we make provision for those who are suffering for the gospel?

10 Thankfulness and prayer
What about us? Are we seeking to develop the fruits of righteousness with the help of the Holy Spirit? Are we assured that God will complete His good work in us? Is our love for God and His people growing? Are we sharing the good things that God has given us?

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