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Pembroke School- A friendly School with friendly classrooms.

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Presentation on theme: "Pembroke School- A friendly School with friendly classrooms."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pembroke School- A friendly School with friendly classrooms

2 Respectful Responsible

3 What will teachers, parents and students say about you, the Yr 6 Leaders, at the end of the year?
Fantastic? Supportive? Role Models? I look up to them? They look after me?

4 The Three Musketeers All for One and One for all!
People will judge you as a group but…….. each individual’s behaviour will change how people see the group.

5 How will You Choose to Behave when no one is watching?
It takes Courage to become who you really are - EE Cummings

6 sad, upset, afraid, uncomfortable, or embarrassed.
What is Harassment This is when someone treats you in a way that makes you feel sad, upset, afraid, uncomfortable, or embarrassed.

7 Harrassment can be- aggressive bullying (physical)
derogatory comments about another person’s gender, race, culture, religion or appearance offensive name-calling (verbal) rude messages or pictures spreading rumours using the internet or mobile phones (cyber bullying) excluding others or setting them up for failure

8 Harrassment can happen at different levels.

9 Low level: (usually one-off, thoughtless acts)
taking others belongings disturbing others’ games Negative or sarcastic comments Mid level: (generally with intent to cause fear, harm or distress) hitting, punching, pushing, spitting teasing, name calling, put downs being disrespectful to school staff repeated disrupting teaching and learning activities High level: (may be classified as ‘bullying’)

10 Each student may feel differently about the level of harassment
#I never get harassed at school. # It doesn’t worry me. # I am really scared #Sometimes I get harassed #I have lots of friends #Everyone says mean stuff all the time. #I don’t really have anyone to play with. #People are nice to me. #I’ve heard people say things but not often Each student may feel differently about the level of harassment

11 What is bullying? Repeated and unwanted behaviour
Intended to cause fear, distress and/or harm Physical, verbal, psychological, relational By a more powerful individual or group Against a less powerful individual unable to effectively resist

12 Bullying isn’t... Fighting between two students of equal power
Teasing done in a mutual way meant in fun and jest

Cyber harassment may involve the use of either the internet or mobile phones. At its most serious, cyber bullying is illegal and can be investigated by the police.

14 Cyber harrassment Using internet or mobile phone to harass or threaten
Sharing images without consent Unwanted or repeated contact Protecting computers & personal information – password, location and images

15 Tips for cyber harassment
Ignore it. Block the person. Tell someone. Keep the evidence. Report it to: School – we have a policy and procedures in place about bullying and cyberbullying. your ISP and/or phone provider, or the website administrator - there are actions they can take to help. the police

16 What can you do about it?

17 If I'm being bullied…… I should:
Look them in the eye and say in a calm voice "I don't like it when you do that. I want you to stop." Move away. Find someone who feels like a friend. Talk to an adult you feel comfortable with. Keep persisting until the problem is solved. Keep any evidence

18 Responsible Reporting
The problem is serious and you need others to help you. You see a serious problem. You think someone else needs help but you don’t feel you can help.

19 Vs Telling Tales It’s a small problem.
You may want to get the other person into trouble. You can really handle the situation yourself. “Dobbing”?

20 What should I do if I see it?
Bystanders Code: Don’t join in. Tell others you don’t like the unfriendly behaviour. Call a teacher for help. Ask the bullied student to join your game. Ask the student if he or she feels OK. Distract or deflect the student who is bullying.

21 WHO ELSE COULD YOU TELL? Tell your class teacher in private.
Ideas to help you to tell someone: Tell your class teacher in private. Tell a friend and ask him or her to tell the teacher. Tell mum or dad and ask them to tell the teacher. Go with a friend to tell the teacher. WHO ELSE COULD YOU TELL?

22 Things to consider Do you always feel happy at School?
Is it OK to report a friend? If we keep quiet about something will it stop happening or just go away? If you don’t know it upsets someone is it still harassment? If everyone else does it, does that make it OK?

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