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Operation Context and Use Case Focus Group

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Presentation on theme: "Operation Context and Use Case Focus Group"— Presentation transcript:

1 Operation Context and Use Case Focus Group
May 31th, 2018

2 Agenda Schedule TFMS Flight Feedback TFMS Flow Use Case TBFM Preview

3 Schedule May 2018 June 2018 July 2018 Aug. 2018 Sept. 2018 Oct. 2018
TFMS Flow Closeout TFMS Flight Docs TBFM Storyboard June 2018 TFMS Flight Closeout TBFM Docs SFDPS Flight Storyboard July 2018 TBFM Closeout SFDPS Flight Docs FNS Storyboard Aug. 2018 SFDPS Flight Closeout FNS Docs TAIS Storyboard Sept. 2018 FNS Closeout TAIS Docs SFDPS Airspace Storyboard Oct. 2018 TAIS Closeout SFDPS Airspace Docs ITWS Storyboard Nov. 2019 SFDPS Airspace Closeout ITWS Docs ADPS Storyboard Dec. 2018 ITWS Closeout ADPS Docs TFMS Status Storyboard Jan. 2019 ADPS Closeout TFMS Status Docs SFDPS General Storyboard Feb. 2019 TFMS Status Closeout SFDPS General Docs ISMC Storyboard March 2019 SFDPS General Closeout ISMC Docs

4 TFMS Flow Closeout

5 TFMS – Flow Use Case Introduction Current State
Describes purpose of document Introduces TFMS Flow information with overview of how it is used Provides and overview of the Use Case presented in document Current State Introduces problem statement Focuses on the lack of common situational awareness between ATC and AOC Describes the different perspectives from each of the actors (Dispatchers, Pilots, Airline Ops, Airline Hub, Airport Operator, and ATC)

6 TFMS – Flow Use Case Cont.
Future State Introduces possible future scenario in which both ATC and AOC are operating under a common situational awareness Focuses on advance notice of TMIs and other flow measures Provides metrics where current inefficacies can be measure, and thus where improvements can be measures Describes benefits of AOC use of TFMS Flow data

7 Feedback Received Editorial:
Incorporated all editorial feedback received

8 TFMS Flight Overview

9 Problem Statement Departure Arrival ATC Perspective Departure Arrival
Aircraft departs on Time ATC is receiving live updates on aircraft while AOC experiences a delay in obtaining current information Updated arrival times are continual created based on factors affecting flight Aircraft arrives per time predicted by ATC Departure Arrival ATC Perspective Aircraft departs on Time AOC receives delayed information from ATC and may not be aware of updated arrival times Aircraft arrives as later then planned AOC works to reallocate ground resources to handle late aircraft Backup on taxiway due to unplanned congestion in non movement area causes delay on ground Goal is to have engaged discussion around the problem to determine root cause Want to engage the producer to help reflect a common understanding of the problem we’re seeking to solve Departure Arrival AOC Perspective Pre-Flight Push Back / Taxiing Out Take-off / Departure Cruise / Enroute / Oceanic Approach Landing / Taxiing In

10 New Reality Based on New Information Service
AOC is able to reallocate ground resources as needed based on accurate flight information Airport staff are able to better plan for identified delays Surface congestion is minimized AOC receives continuously updated schedule route and aircraft position data Delay information is communicated live as it happens Aircraft pushes back AOC receives notification of aircraft pushback AOC receives departure times Departure Arrival Future State Slide intended to show what happens with getting access to data What does ATC/AOC operations look like, generally, with access to this new data Slide shows how the information service, with all the data elements, is now available and what the implications are It may be of value to coordinate this slide with a producer Pre-Flight Push Back / Taxiing Out Take-off / Departure Cruise / Enroute / Oceanic Approach Landing / Taxiing In

11 Benefits of Improved Traffic Flow Flight Information
Sharing flight information data with all stakeholders will allow Airspace Users and airports to know precisely when aircraft will depart/arrive, enabling: Improved decision making concerning aircraft fuel efficiency Improved diversion management Improved gate management Improved flight crew management Improved ground crew management Improved delay management Improved fleet management Improved customer experience Improved TFM system performance Improved airport effectiveness This slide is intended to identify the anticipated benefits associated with our understanding of the solution Goal is to identify some way to validate the magnitude of the improvement seen with the benefit Intent of this slide is to validate these and identify whether there are additional benefits not identified here

12 TFMS – Flight Use Case Introduction The Current State Future State
Purpose Overview of Use Case The Current State Problem Statement Perspectives Future State Metrics Benefits

13 TBFM Preview

14 Decomposition of TBFM Data Elements
Time Based Flow Metering Aircraft Info Flight Plan Info ETAs STAs Scheduling Info MRE Assignments Configuration Info Arr Airport Config Info Acceptance Rate Airport TRACON Meter Point Runway Super Stream Class Config Adaption Info TRACON Name Group MRE Names Gate Names Airport / Runway Config Names Synchronization System Sync Start Periodic Sync Start Periodic Sync End Other TBFM Metering Status TBFM Interface Status Data Quality Address Qualifier

15 Sourcing Time Based Metering Information
Goal is to develop a common understanding of the data Data analysis will include traceability of data Includes discussion on how data is used in the NAS

16 Current State: NAS Operations
Aircraft departs for constrained airport Ninety minutes from destination TBFM creates an arrival plan for the aircraft Arrival plan includes the ETA and STA at metering fix and runway The STA at the runway is the time when the aircraft is scheduled to land Controllers manage flights to meet these times FOC unaware of STA: does not know when aircraft will arrive, negatively affecting gate assignments, passenger connections, crew and aircraft rotations decisions FOC planning negatively affected due to lack of accurate arrival time data (STA) ATC Creates Arrival Plan for Aircraft Updated ETA/STA Manages aircraft accordingly Arrival FOC Unaware of metering plan Using original ETA Attempting to allocate resources based on inaccurate information The intent of this slide is to help drive engaged discussion to identify the range of considerations in the current state We want to be sure we capture the hottest issues to the community for the written use case, and reference for future exchanges Landing / Taxiing In

17 Problem Statement Departure Arrival ATC Perspective Departure Arrival
En-route Traffic demand exceeds capacity at destination airport Controllers enact a TMI to begin metering aircraft prior to arriving at destination airport Aircraft is slowed down and the arrival time is pushed back A new STA is issued for the aircraft and shared with down stream controllers Aircraft arrives as planned per the updated STA Backup on taxiway due to unplanned congestion in non-movement area causes delay on ground Aircraft Departs on Time Departure Arrival ATC Perspective Aircraft is slowed down and the arrival time is pushed back ADC notices the slowdown but does not know what the new arrival time will be Aircraft arrives later than planned ADC works to reallocate ground resources to handle late aircraft Backup on taxiway due to unplanned congestion in non-movement area causes delay on ground Aircraft Departs on Time Goal is to have engaged discussion around the problem to determine root cause Want to engage the producer to help reflect a common understanding of the problem we’re seeking to solve Departure Arrival AOC Perspective Pre-Flight Push Back / Taxiing Out Take-off / Departure Cruise / Enroute / Oceanic Approach Landing / Taxiing In

18 Time Based Metering Information Service
Service Description The TBFM Metering Information Service publishes metering information to allow the TBFM system, FAA systems (e.g. TFMS), and industry to collaborate, share TBFM data and be informed of TBFM STAs that are in effect during metering events. Service Interface Publish/Subscribe via JMS Message Sets Message Name Description Supported Properties Aircraft Information Provides metering information about an aircraft; specifically: flight plan (relevant subset), STAs, ETAs, Meter Reference Elements (MREs) Assignments, and scheduling group information Data Group, ARTCC Configuration Information Provides metering information about the configuration of the system; specifically: airport configurations, airport acceptance rates, TRACON acceptance rates, gate acceptance rates, Meter Point acceptance rates, runway acceptances rates, super stream class configurations, and satellite airport configurations Other Information Provides metering information about the status of metering and the status of system interfaces Adaptation Information Provides information about applicable system adaptation to include TRACON names, gate names, configuration names, Meter Reference Point names, and stream class names Sync Sent only to indicate an impending refresh of all TBFM data, either as a result of system startup or a periodic synchronization event.

19 Backup

20 References SWIFT Focus Group Website
TFMS Flight – Operational Context Document TFMS Flight – Use Case Document Contacts Stuart Wilson Felisa White

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