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Advanced Radio Astronomy in Europe Contract no.:

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Presentation on theme: "Advanced Radio Astronomy in Europe Contract no.:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Advanced Radio Astronomy in Europe Contract no.: 227290
RadioNet FP7 Advanced Radio Astronomy in Europe Contract no.: 1st RadioNet FP7 Board meeting 4 - 5 May 2010

2 Project Managers Report
Contract change Consortium agreement Financial overview TNA regulation (Hugues Crutzen) 1st RadioNet FP7 Board meeting 4 - 5 May 2010

3 1st RadioNet FP7 Board meeting
Contract Change New participant: Shanghai Observatory (SHAO) SHAO joined UniBoard SHAO will develop a VLBI correlator that will make use of the UniBoard hardware because of its high processing power UOXF joined UniBoard UOXF will develop a correlator suitable for LOFAR that will make use of the UniBoard hardware NRF joined ALBiUS NRF will be involved in the evaluation and improvement of the current fringe-fitting algorithm 1st RadioNet FP7 Board meeting 4 - 5 May 2010

4 1st RadioNet FP7 Board meeting
Contract Change Helsinki University of Technology (TKK), Helsinki School of Economics and University of Art and Design Helsinki have merged into Aalto University Foundation (AALTO) (1/1/2010) Coordinators discretionary fund created NA and TNA travel funds moved to JIVE 1st RadioNet FP7 Board meeting 4 - 5 May 2010

5 1st RadioNet FP7 Board meeting
Contract Change 1st RadioNet FP7 Board meeting 4 - 5 May 2010

6 1st RadioNet FP7 Board meeting
Consortium Agreement Version numbers of signature sheets and CA content differ SHAO will be added to the CA and will have to sign the CA 1st RadioNet FP7 Board meeting 4 - 5 May 2010

7 1st RadioNet FP7 Board meeting
Financial Overview 1st RadioNet FP7 Board meeting 4 - 5 May 2010

8 1st RadioNet FP7 Board meeting
Financial Overview 1st RadioNet FP7 Board meeting 4 - 5 May 2010

9 1st RadioNet FP7 Board meeting
Financial Overview 1st RadioNet FP7 Board meeting 4 - 5 May 2010

10 1st RadioNet FP7 Board meeting
Financial Overview 1st RadioNet FP7 Board meeting 4 - 5 May 2010

11 1st RadioNet FP7 Board meeting
TNA regulation Hugues Crutzen (EC officer) will call in Recalculation of TNA Access costs based on real unit costs Unit costs and Certificates on the Financial Statement (CFS) 1st RadioNet FP7 Board meeting 4 - 5 May 2010

12 1st RadioNet FP7 Board meeting
27 beneficiaries 1st RadioNet FP7 Board meeting 4 - 5 May 2010

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