Response of Calu-6 tumors to anti-VEGF therapy.

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1 Response of Calu-6 tumors to anti-VEGF therapy.
Response of Calu-6 tumors to anti-VEGF therapy. A, growth curves of control untreated Calu-6 lung carcinoma–derived xenografted tumors, tumors treated with mAb A4.6.1, or tumors treated with mFlt-IgG. Tumor volume (mm3) over time in days. B and C, sections of the Calu-6 or A673 tumors were stained with antibodies to the endothelial cell marker PVLAP (triangles) and αSMA (arrows). *, tumor cells. Images were taken using differential interference contrast microscopy to visualize the tumor (asterisk) and stromal (arrows) constituents. B, Calu-6 tumors exhibit significant infiltration by stromal cells (arrows) and substantial acellular matrix. Anti-PLVAP staining was used to highlight the vasculature (triangles). C, A673 tumors almost completely comprised primitive skeletal muscle cells (asterisk) with minimal stromal infiltration. Max L. Tejada et al. Clin Cancer Res 2006;12: ©2006 by American Association for Cancer Research

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