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What is it? What causes it? What can we do about it?

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Presentation on theme: "What is it? What causes it? What can we do about it?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is it? What causes it? What can we do about it?

2 A chronic, relapsing behavioral disorder.
Pattern: Remissions and relapses Progression theories: Gateway progression Continuum of drug use “Maturing out”

3 Tolerance Physiological dependence Psychological dependence (habituation) Craving

4 There are, (and this list is not limited,)
Drug Addiction is the most talked about but it is just one and many other addictions can be dangerous. There are, (and this list is not limited,) Alcohol Addiction Tobacco Addiction Food Addictions Gambling Addictions Sex Addiction Internet Addiction

5 With regards to Drug Use some substances are more likely to be associated with addiction than others, but there are many exceptions both ways. Heroin Cocaine Methamphetamine Ecstasy Alcohol Psilocybin Mushrooms Marijuana PCP

6 The decision Denial met by intervention or reality Cognitive changes
Pre-contemplation: No problem! Contemplation: Maybe there’s a problem… Preparation Action Maintenance Cognitive therapy: Motivational interviewing

7 Abstinence: The 12-step approach Controlled use Harm reduction
Substitute addictions Methadone Gum-chewing Needle exchanges Water supply

8 Detoxification (Detox)
“Cold turkey” Gradual With pharmacological support Active treatment Relapse prevention

9 Self-treatment (“spontaneous remission”)
Perhaps 20% follow this route. Self-treatment often requires multiple attempts: Learning to quit. For 57%, quitting is the result of cost-benefits analysis. For 29%, the change is immediate.

10 Sometimes because of “bottoming out”
Positive life changes: marriage, childbearing, religious encounter Negative life changes: health problems, social or legal consequences of drug use, death of a friend

11 Self-help groups like AA
Twelve Steps Peer identification and support Sober social relationships Residential treatment Hospitalization The therapeutic community Milieu therapy Short-term residential programs Faith-based programs Salvation Army Teen Challenge

12 Risk of relapse is reduced by
Frequent review of the decision Avoiding drug-related cues by moving and dumping drug-using friends Social connections with non-users Getting a job Learning substitute activities Developing structure for life

13 If you, or somebody you know needs help, help them get it.
See your health care professional. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

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