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Character Analysis – The Cousins: L/O – to explore differences in the younger generations The big question: How do the cousins appear to be liberal in.

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Presentation on theme: "Character Analysis – The Cousins: L/O – to explore differences in the younger generations The big question: How do the cousins appear to be liberal in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Character Analysis – The Cousins: L/O – to explore differences in the younger generations
The big question: How do the cousins appear to be liberal in Kambili’s eyes? Liberal - Favouring reform, open to new ideas, and  tolerant of the ideas and behaviour of others; not  bound by traditional thinking; broad-minded. Repressed - To end, limit, or restrain, as by  intimidation or other action. Freedom of Speech –the right to express any opinion  in public without censorship or restraint by the  government Kambili page 72: “still, I felt strange asking about the cousins I hardly knew” The cousins are with Papa-Nnukwu at this point. How does this show differences between the two families? What other differences are their between the cousins and Kambili/Jaja? Skim read the section of the novel where Kambili and Jaja are staying with the cousins (pages 116 – 187). Working together: What do you notice about the behaviour of the cousins in contrast to Kambili? Discuss – How can these words above be applied to the younger generation in Purple Hibiscus? Teacher will take feedback and discuss at each point. Students should be discussing and making notes as they go along. Answer the big question Success Criteria: Answer the question Explores examples from the novel and links these Uses the three adjectives/ideas to drive the argument Analyses using – What – How – Why to show understanding of character Embeds context Explores the effect of language using terminology On page 116 – we see the cousins Obiora and Amaska. How are they presented? (think about their appearance/behaviour/attitudes) How does Kambili feel? How

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