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Pressure Pressure Gradient Force Coriolis Force

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Presentation on theme: "Pressure Pressure Gradient Force Coriolis Force"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pressure Pressure Gradient Force Coriolis Force
Horizontal Winds Pressure Pressure Gradient Force Coriolis Force

2 The Basic Pollution Problem
Transport (wind vector and turbulence) Observed State Source (emissions) Transformation (chemical reaction) Effects Environment Health Environment (temp, RH,rad, chems)

3 What causes the pressure to change
Is higher 50% mass level Same mean Temperature 50% mass level 50% mass level T in column 2 is greater Column 1 Column 2

4 Horizontal Pressure Gradient Force (HPGF)
500 mb 496 mb 492 mb ~300km isobar: line of constant pressure S W E

5 HPGF HPGF: due to the change in atmospheric pressure with distance.
Magnitude of HPGF: if p changes rapdily with horizontal distance--> isobars are closer together and HPGF is large Effect of HPGF: air starts to move from H to L

6 Consider a hill Z distance
When height (z) changes fastest over the same relative distance, the slope of the hill is greatest

7 Suppose the hill is pressure
When the lines are closer together, the HPGF is greater!

8 Coriolis The wind does not blow directly from H to L

9 The Wind does not blow directly from H to L
The Coriolis force causes an “apparent” deflection of the air to the right (left) in the Northern (Southern) Hemisphere

10 Geostrophic Wind

11 Gradient Wind

12 Winds near the surface

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