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PSHE and Citizenship Relationships I TEAM

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1 PSHE and Citizenship Relationships I TEAM
PSHE and Citizenship | Year 3 | Relationships | TEAM | Together Everyone Achieves More | Lesson 2


3 Aim I can explain how and why we should work well as a team. Success Criteria I can describe the skills that are needed for good teamwork. I can list ways that good teamwork can help us to achieve more. This resource is fully in line with the Learning Outcomes and Core Themes outlined in the PSHE Association.

4 The Big Questions

5 The Big Questions What are the features of a good team?
How do team members benefit from being in a team? Using sticky notes, write and record your answers to the questions above and then stick them on the Big Questions Poster.

6 Reconnecting

7 Order the Numbers You will each have a number stuck on your back. As a class you will have to work together to make sure you are standing in numerical order from the smallest number to the largest number. To complete this challenge you can look at the numbers on other children’s backs, but you cannot speak to anyone.

8 Order the Numbers How did we achieve the team goal together?
Part of creating class rules is understanding how important it is for a team to work together to achieve the same goal. What good teamwork skills were used?

9 Exploring

10 What does good teamwork look like?
Teamwork Skills What does good teamwork look like? In pairs, create a list of skills you think benefit teamwork. Think about the different ways people communicate with other people in their team. Why is it important to understand facial expressions and body language to have a successful team? Did we all agree on the list of skills?

11 Role Play This picture shows an eight year old boy celebrating his birthday. What are the helpful behaviours his team of friends could show at the party? What are the consequences of these behaviours? Smile at the birthday boy. Watch as the birthday boy blows out his candles. Stand safely watching. Clap when the candles have been blown out.

12 Role Play What are the unhelpful behaviours his team of friends could show at the party? What are the consequences of these behaviours? Shouting over the singing or refusing to sing. Looking angrily at the birthday boy. Run away when the birthday boy is blowing out his candles. Try and join in with blowing out the candles. Refuse to clap when the candles have been blown out.

13 Role Play Your task today is to take your Team Role Play Scenario Card and create two role plays with your group. One needs to show the consequences when helpful behaviour is shown to the team and the other needs to show the consequences when unhelpful behaviour is shown to the team.

14 Role Play Are there ever behaviours that could be helpful to one team scenario but unhelpful to another team scenario? Imagine a swimming teacher trying to get a class of children safely around the swimming pool. They would find someone running fast around the pool very unhelpful to the team. Imagine a football team wanting to score a goal. That team would find a fast runner very helpful to the team.

15 Consolidating Reflecting

16 Consolidating

17 Team Benefits On your sticky note, write one word to describe how it feels to be part of a team. You can either choose one of the words listed below, or use your own word. happy warm supported strong accepted belong friendly confident loved

18 Reflecting

19 Successful Teams The following are teams that work well together. What teamwork skills do they have to make them a successful team? How have their teamwork skills helped them to achieve? cricket team a band football team cycling team

20 The Big Questions

21 The Big Questions What are the features of a good team?
How do team members benefit from being in a team? Look at your answers from the questions from the beginning of the lesson. Have any of your answers changed? Do you have any more to add now? Why have your thoughts or opinions changed?

22 Aim I can explain how and why we should work well as a team. Success Criteria I can describe the skills that are needed for good teamwork. I can list ways that good teamwork can help us to achieve more.


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