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Kennedy and the cold war

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1 Kennedy and the cold war
Ms. Ha Chapter 20 -Section 1

2 I. Election of 1960 Nixon JF. Kennedy

3 A. Two candidates 1. Richard Nixon a. VP to President Eisenhower b. Republican

4 B. John F. Kennedy 1. From Massachusetts a. Senator b. Democrat

5 C. Television Debate 1. Kennedy a. Better spoken b. Better looking c. Sept. 26, 1960

6 TV Debate:70 million viewers

7 II. Current problems A. Several 1. Economic Recession 2. USSR: launch Sputnik (1957) 3. U2 incident 4. Cuba and Soviet Union too friendly

8 B. Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. arrested 1. J.F.K. reached out 2. Called:Coretta S. King 3. Gained black voters 4. Helped secure the Presidency

9 PHOTOS Rev. King Wife:Coretta

10 III. The Camelot years: mythical court of King Arthur
A. Kennedy elected President 1. Wife Jackie 2. Two children a. Caroline b. John

11 B. Public fascination

12 Jackie kennedy

13 C. Famous speech “ask not what your country can do for you-ask what you can do for your country”

14 IV. New military policy A. Flexible Response 1. Fight nonnuclear war
2. Build up military

15 B. Crisis over Cuba 1. New dictator a. Fidel Castro b. Too friendly with USSR

16 Castro & Khrushchev Cuba: Castro USSR: Khrushchev

1. Land: US 75% owned a. Castro: took control b. Result: trade barriers c. Cuba: relies on USSR d. Cubans: repressed

18 D. Bay of pigs: April 17, 1961 1. U.S. CIA a. Train Cuban exiles b. U.S. Military support c. Landed in Cuba d. Attempt to overthrow Castro: failure!

19 V. Cuban Missile Crisis A. Cuba/USSR v. U.S. 1. Almost WWIII 2. USSR arming Cuba with missiles 3. Photo proof: U.S. city were targets

20 Cuban missile sites

21 B. Image damage 1. Kennedy: “losing” Cuba to Castro 2. Khrushchev: weak backing down

22 VI. Berlin Wall A. Soviets wanted U.S. out of West Berlin 1. East=Communist 2. West=Free 3. U.S. wouldn’t leave

23 4. Khrushchev had a wall built 5. Date: August 13, 1961 6. Wall ended Berlin Crisis 7. Increased Cold War tension

24 B. Ease Tension 1.“Hot Line”:U.S. &Kremlin 2. Communicate at once 3. Both countries agreed to a Limited Test Ban Treaty & barred nuclear testing in the atmosphere

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