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Poverty Awareness Exercise

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Presentation on theme: "Poverty Awareness Exercise"— Presentation transcript:

1 Poverty Awareness Exercise
By Rev. J.J. Whitney, AR United Methodist Church 200K Reasons Childhood Hunger Initiative

2 Payday!---you receive $1398 from the man’s employer.

3 DAY 2 THE FOLLOWING IS DUE NOW: Rent $550 Car payment $250 Car insurance $75 Utilities $100 Health Insurance $328 for family of 4

4 Weekly bills Groceries: $ average for the leanest bills Daycare: part-time, $50 Gas for the week: $40


6 DAY 4 Do you need to seek social services? See JJ

7 Day 5 CASH available!

8 DAY 6-7 The weekend—how will you spend it?? How will you fill it??

9 DAY 8 Weekly bills: Part-time childcare $50 Full-time childcare $125 After school childcare $30 Gas $40 Laundromat: $20

10 Day 9 Cell phone bill $60

11 Day 10 Life happens UPDATE

12 DAY 11 You need toiletries and household items: toilet paper, dish soap, deoderant, toothpaste, soap, makeup, laundry detergent---$100

13 DAY 13-14 The weekend 

14 DAY 15 Payday! Woman’s job: $465 AND child support for the single mom: $200—IT IS LATE Bills: child-care & gas & groceries

15 DAY 16 A note was sent home from school about your 5-year old’s clothes that “jeans with holes” are not permitted. You need at least 3 pairs to get through the week until you can go to the laundromat.

16 DAY 18 If you got the payday loan, interest is DUE


18 DAY 20-21 Weekend


20 WEEKLY BILLS Groceries, gas, childcare

21 DAY 23 School supplies needed for 3-year old’s preschool: $25

22 DAY 24 Your 5-year old is invited to a birthday party. You need to get a gift --$20

23 DAY 25 You are sick from going to the birthday party with all of those kids. Miss a day of work and lose pay. Medication $15

24 DAY 26 Social services day

25 DAY 27-28 Weekend

26 DAY 29 Holiday! Mom can’t work to stay home with kids. Loses pay and still has to pay for a week of daycare. BILLS: groceries, gas

27 DAY 30 Payday! Dad, if working: $1398 Single Mom: $465

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