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Niels Mulder & Floris de Vries

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Presentation on theme: "Niels Mulder & Floris de Vries"— Presentation transcript:

1 Niels Mulder & Floris de Vries
Motion Grammars for Character Animation Kyunglyul Hyun, Kyungho Lee, and Jehee Lee Niels Mulder & Floris de Vries

2 Overview Goal: Creating a (context-free) grammar to describe and animate basketball. Motion grammar Multi-Level Markov Chain Monte Carlo Tactic board

3 Related work

4 Constrained optimization
The continuous editing of motion is usually formulated as constrained optimization, which minimizes the deviation from the original motion data subject to user-specified constraints and requirements. This formulation has been effective for a wide range of problems, such as retargeting motion to new characters [Gle98], interactive manipulation [LS99], blending a family of similar motions [RCB98], statistical modeling [MCC09,MC12], and incorporating physics-based objectives and constraints [LHP05]. The idea has further been explored to deal with multiple interacting characters in the context of interactive manipulation [KLLT08,KHKL09, KSKL14] Gleicher, M. (1998, July). Retargetting motion to new characters. In Proceedings of the 25th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques (pp ). ACM. Kim, M., Hyun, K., Kim, J., & Lee, J. (2009). Synchronized multi-character motion editing. ACM transactions on graphics (TOG), 28(3), 79.

5 Data structures The combinatorial planning of action sequences often requires an efficient data structure to store and search motion data. The most popular structure is a motion graph [LCR⇤02,KGP02], which is essentially a finite state machine encapsulating the connectivity among motion fragments. The concept of motion graphs has further been elaborated to cope with families of parameterized motions [SO06]. Good segmentation and clustering of motion fragments are key ingredients of building effective motion data structures [BSP⇤04, BCvdPP08]. Provided that such a structure is built, synthesizing novel motion sequences entails combinatorial searching through the connectivity among motion fragments. Temporal sequencing of motion fragments has been addressed by using state-space search [LCR⇤02, KGP02, SH07], dynamic programming [AFO03], min-max search [SKY12], and policy learning [MP07, TLP07]. State-space search methods are closely related to the path planning of three-dimensional characters in highly-constrained and dynamically-changing environments [CKHL11,LLKP11]. Lee, J., Chai, J., Reitsma, P. S., Hodgins, J. K., & Pollard, N. S. (2002, July). Interactive control of avatars animated with human motion data. In ACM Transactions on Graphics (ToG) (Vol. 21, No. 3, pp ). ACM. Beaudoin, P., Coros, S., van de Panne, M., & Poulin, P. (2008, July). Motion-motif graphs. In Proceedings of the 2008 ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation (pp ). Eurographics Association.

6 Continuous optimization and combinatorial planning integration
Lee, Y., Wampler, K., Bernstein, G., Popović, J., & Popović, Z. (2010, December). Motion fields for interactive character locomotion. In ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) (Vol. 29, No. 6, p. 138). ACM.

7 Motion patches Kim, M., Hwang, Y., Hyun, K., & Lee, J. (2012, July). Tiling motion patches. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation (pp ). Eurographics Association.

8 Human action grammar Park, J. P., Lee, K. H., & Lee, J. (2011, December). Finding syntactic structures from human motion data. In Computer Graphics Forum (Vol. 30, No. 8, pp ). Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

9 Grammars

10 Motion Grammar

11 Motion Grammar Instantiation Semantics Plausability

12 Motion Grammar Instantiation Semantics Plausability

13 Motion Grammar Instantiation Semantics Plausability
gparse is a binary boolean function, of which value is 1 if the string Xi has a parse tree and 0 otherwise guser: the following equation evaluates how well X matches the description of an individual player.

14 Tactic Board

15 Probability distribution

16 Multi-Level Markov Chain Monte Carlo

17 Markov Chain Monte Carlo

18 Algorithm Metropolis-Hastings

19 Random walks Motion clips Parse tree subtree Random clips
Mean probability of error of children

20 Parallel Tempering Conversion speed
Jump size <> Local extrema frequency


22 Critical Analysis

23 The Good Novel idea Good explanation of some the background Structure
Good balance of terminology and expertise Pseudo-code, appendix

24 The Bad Slow Use cases unclear Language structure
Weird setup difference Figure (log but no log?) Self-praising without actually testing

25 Future Work Inferring motion grammars automatically
Practical implementation of combination of frameworks Bringing it to real-time

26 ?

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