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Mosquito Control Matters

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1 Mosquito Control Matters
Gary Goodman General Manager Sacramento-Yolo Mosquito & Vector Control District Good afternoon and thank u for being here today and making this day a priority. My name is LMR and I’m the PIO with the District. As you know, our District is collaborating with the City of Davis on this community based mosquito control program where the city is seeking volunteers to assist with mosquito control activities that we’ll be discussing today. This is the first meeting we have for the potential volunteers participating in this project and to start we want to give you an overview of the work the District does. In essence, the presentation I’m about to give is divided into 2 sections, first of all, I’ll be providing an overview of the District, talk about WNV, and our integrated mosquito management approach and the second half of the presentation will focus on the a discussion regarding the volunteer opportunities you may be involved in.

2 Sacramento and Yolo Counties
~1.5 million Residents Urban Yolo: ~300,000 Residents Ag/Rural Our District provides mosquito control services to almost 1.5million residents within both of the counties we serve


4 District Species 53 California species 24 District species
Different habitats, behavior, blood sources

5 Mosquito Life Cycle 4 development stages (egg/larva/pupa/adult)
Immature stages need standing water (egg/larva/pupa)

6 Egg Morphology Eggs laid in a boat-shaped raft (or singly)
White when first laid Then darken to a light brown in a few hours 1.0 mm long, one end bluntly rounded and the other pointed

7 Length from egg to adult?
3 to 5 days for flood water species [i.e. Aedes] 7 to 10 days for standing water species [i.e Culex] 14 to 21 days for rice field species [i.e Anopheles]

8 Feeding Habits Only the female bites Males feed on plant juices

9 What Attracts Mosquitoes To A Host?
Carbon dioxide (CO2) Perspiration Warmth Body odor

10 When Are Mosquitoes Most Active?
All year round Time of day Dusk and Dawn (Culex & Anopheles) Daytime (Aedes)

11 How Long Do Mosquitoes Live?
Depends on season (winter/summer) and species In summer 2 weeks Aedes longer lived than Culex.

12 How Far Can A Mosquito Fly From A Development Site?
Flight Range Distance Species Short Few blocks to a mile Cx. pipiens Ae. sierrensis Medium 3 to 10 miles Cx. tarsalis Long 10 to 40 miles An. freeborni Ae. melanimon

13 When Does Mosquito Season Begin?
January-February Temperature Warm spell in February March-April Temperatures continue to warm Spring showers bring May mosquitoes May-October Active species: Anopheles, Aedes, Culex

14 Mosquitoes of Concern

15 Anopheles “Rice Field” mosquito Overwinters as adult in late fall
First warm days of winter very aggressive Circle of Life

16 Aedes sierrensis AKA the “Tree hole” Mosquito
Commonly found in Urban areas with trees Vicious mammal biter Does not fly far Responsible for Dog Heartworm Early Spring

17 Culex Culex tarsalis Culex pipiens Common Name: Encephalitis mosquito
Common Name: Northern House Mosquito

18 Invasive Species? Ongoing surveillance for invasive mosquito species within our District area Invasive mosquitoes are well established throughout central and southern California. These are aggressive day biting mosquitoes capable of transmitting Zika, dengue and chikungunya


20 Adult Mosquito Surveillance
Sac-Yolo Locker Trap Gravid Trap American Light Trap BG Counter Traps

21 Encephalitis virus surveillance
Dead bird collections Sentinel chickens EVS (live mosquitoes)

22 Invasive species surveillance
Aedes albopictus Aedes aegypti


24 Invasive species surveillance

25 Immature mosquito surveillance
Field technicians collect samples Laboratory technicians identify Update database

26 Pesticide resistance testing and management
Test mosquito populations for resistance to pesticides

27 Public health vector identification

28 Insectary

29 Sacramento County Public Health Lab

30 Laboratory Programs Adult and immature mosquito surveillance
Encephalitis virus (WEE, WNV, SLE) surveillance Invasive species surveillance Malaria and Dengue surveillance Yellowjacket surveillance Tick and tick disease surveillance Africanized honeybee surveillance Public health vector identification Pesticide resistance management Research and special projects

31 Research and special projects
University of California researchers Other universities Manufacturers / Industry

32 Mosquito-Transmitted Diseases
Malaria Zika Chikungunya Dog-Heartworm Encephalitis WEE and SLE West Nile virus Next one has yet to be determined

33 WNV Activity in California
Year Human Cases Potential Cases ,000-15,000 ,000-27,000 ,000-23,000 ,000-41,000 ,000-39,000 ,000-17,000 **WNV is extremely under reported. The Centers for Disease Control estimates that for every neuroinvasive case confirmed, there are approximately cases that are not reported** These are the numbers of confirmed human cases for the past 5 years. Its important to note that often times, the disease goes undiagnosed. The CDC estimates that for every case reported there are others that are not reported.

34 How you can help…









43 What Is A Homeowner To Do?
Follow the 7Ds Drain Dress Avoid Dusk & Dawn Defend Doors/windows District You can do these too!

44 After the rain, remember to DRAIN!
Clean out gutters Empty containers


46 DRESS Protectively! More clothes, less skin!
A bit impractical in Sacramento Valley

47 Mosquitoes are most Active and Feeding at DAWN AND DUSK
Avoid DAWN AND DUSK Mosquitoes are most Active and Feeding at DAWN AND DUSK …again, admittedly tough to do on the warm valley floor

48 Protect yourself ! Repellents (CDC Website) DEET Picaridin
23.8% DEET = ~5 hours of protection 20% DEET = ~4 hours of protection 6.65% DEET = ~2 hours of protection 4.75% DEET = ~1.5 hour of protection. Picaridin Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus IR 3535

49 What defense does “not work”
Garlic, Dryer sheets, Bananas, B-1 vitamins If a little is good, a lot is better….NOT!

50 Doors and Windows Mosquitoes feed at night Generally no defense!
Don’t let them in!

51 Contact your District Advice Trained Personnel Surveillance
IPM Control

52 Report Dead Birds Report dead birds to the dead bird hotline:
1-877-WNV-BIRD Or online at:

53 Prevention: What Can You Do?
Follow the District D’s DRAIN Standing Water DAWN and DUSK Are Times To Avoid Being Outdoors DRESS In Long Sleeves & Pants When Outside DEFEND Yourself With An Effective Repellent DOORS and Screens Should Be In Good Working Condition DISTRICT Personnel Are Available To Help

54 Mosquito and Vector Control
Sacramento-Yolo Mosquito and Vector Control District These are some of the preliminary volunteer ideas we’ve collaboratively come up with the City of Davis. As we gauge interest, total number of volunteers and availability perhaps we will continue to expand. Thank you for your time and participation!

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