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Polar bear By: Sabah Naveed

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Presentation on theme: "Polar bear By: Sabah Naveed"— Presentation transcript:

1 Polar bear By: Sabah Naveed
1) Type the name of your animal 2) type your name 3) include a picture of your animal 4) change fonts and colors to personalize. By: Sabah Naveed

2 A pic showing your animal.
Animal Facts Description It is white and 3 ½ feet tall. It is 700 to 1600 pounds! And it has a greenish skin but the white fur covers it Diet It is a carnivore and it eats seal, sometimes sea birds, lemmings, fish, and berries and grass Movement It jumps sometimes and swims but it crawls the most 1) Type a description of your animal 2) Type whether your animal is an herbivore, omnivore, or carnivore and what does it eat? 3) text telling how your animal moves 4) pic showing your animal 5)change fonts and colors to personalize. A pic showing your animal.

3 Habitat Ice of the artic coast
Map showing where your animal lives Picture showing your animal in its habitat. Ice of the artic coast It is very cold and their are mountins made out of ice It is cold so the polar bear can live on it because it has a whit fur coat 1) Map showing where your animal lives 2) pic of your animal in its habitat. 3) text telling where your animal lives, description of habitat, and any adaptations animal has to live in habitat 4) change fonts and colors to personalize.

4 Life Cycle The babys are called cubs and 2 cubs are born at a time
A picture of the animal as a baby or young. When a cub is born it has no fur and ounce it gets bigger it gets more white fur 1) Info about when animal a baby 2) pic of your animal as baby or when young 3) text telling about animal changes as growing into an adult 4) pic of your animal as an adult 5) change fonts and colors to personalize. A picture of the animal as a grown/ mature animal.

5 Animal Interactions They communicate using body language because they can’t talk and that is what is easier Pic of animal adaptation that allows it to protect itself Write a caption for your picture explaining how animal protects itself Caption for your picture explaining if animal pictured is enemy, predator, prey, etc. Adults don’t have any but babys under a year do their predators are wolves and other carnivore the reason the Babys have predators is because they are easier to catch 1) Info about animal adaptation that protects your animal 2) pic and caption of an adaptation 3) text telling about another animal interaction (enemy, predator, prey, etc) 4) pic and caption of enemy, predator, prey, etc. 5) change fonts and colors to personalize. Pic of enemy, predator, prey, etc.

6 Interesting Facts Swimming! Life!
Polar be bears have been known to swim 60 miles (97 kilometers) Life! In the wild polar bears live about 25 years A pic to accompany fact #2 Alone! Polar bears usually they hunt and live alone 1) Fact #1 and picture 2) fact #2 and picture 3) fact #3 and picture 4) change fonts and colors to personalize. A pic to accompany fact #1 A pic to accompany fact #3

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