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Popular Culture: Introduction

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1 Popular Culture: Introduction

2 What is popular culture?
Popular culture is defined as; ‘Culture based on the tastes of ordinary people rather than an educated elite.’ Oxford English Dictionary

3 Introduction Activity: Mind Map
On a blank piece of paper or using an app like Word/Comiclife/Simplemind, list as many elements of popular culture you can think of Use the term ‘popular culture’ as your starting point and expand outwards We will discuss your findings and suggestions on the following slide

4 Common elements in popular culture

5 Goals for this unit Understand what popular culture is, and the elements that form it Developments in popular culture following World War II, as well as their impacts on society Introduction of notable cultural developments, such as the television, rock ‘n’ roll Australia’s influence on popular culture on a global context, including music, film, sport and television

6 This session: Historical Context
Australian culture leading up to, and following the end of World War II

7 Difficulties Down Under & the spread of Americanism
During the 1930s, Australia suffered from an economic depression Extremely high unemployment rate (32%), many families lived in poor conditions To make things even more difficult, World War 2 broke out Reliance shifted from the English to the United States The States had massive impacts on Australian economics, politics, and popular culture


9 A well needed period of change
Following the defeat of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan in 1945, the Australia our diggers returned to was very different to the one they had left Australian citizens believed the best course of action for defence was to increase the population (immigration was a massive point of controversy) A huge influx of immigrants, often displaced by the war in Europe, helped give Australia’s economy a well needed reboot

10 Immigration post WW2

11 Women in the early 1950s During the Second World War, many women found themselves employed in the war effort on the home front Munitions making and nursing were two of the largest jobs for women in the period of World War II Between , the National Council of Women and the Australian Federation of Business and Professional Clubs sought equal pay At the time, they were granted 75% of a man’s income (true equality wouldn’t come until the 1960s (and legal protection in the 1980s)) Domestic products, like the vacuum, became more affordable for the average household

12 New found freedoms The early 1950s led to many domestic developments that made life for Australians simpler, and more enjoyable The Holden was the first mass produced car in Australia, making owning a vehicle much more achievable This new found freedom of movement and independence led to the rise of surfers, drive in cinemas and more


14 What does this picture tell you about Australians at the time?
The Queen visits In 1954, Queen Elizabeth II visited Australia, being the first monarch to do so Roughly 8 million people turned out to see her What does this picture tell you about Australians at the time?

15 Popular Culture elements in Australia, post World War II

16 Sport

17 Film

18 Music

19 Do you notice any patterns?

20 Activity Two: Compare the Pair
Referencing your mind maps / topics covered in the lesson so far, create a small poster using paper or an app like Comic Life Select one element from popular culture / Australian life and compare it with a modern equivalent, try and be specific with your choice! You should compare Australian popular culture / life before the first television broadcast (Nov. 1956) Your poster, which will be collected at the end of the session, should include; A title (make it fancy and ‘catchy’) Three similarities AND three differences A picture of both then and now A border Your name!

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