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The Great Gatsby Historical Context “The New Consumer Society”

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1 The Great Gatsby Historical Context “The New Consumer Society”

2 Rising incomes and labour saving devices, such as washing machines, gave families more free time. A Mass Society

3 Millions of Americans began to attend the movies regularly. E. Rudolph Valentino and Charlie Chapman The Movies

4 Radios also became very popular during the 1920’s as families gathered around the radio to listen to music, comedies, and mysteries. Before television, radio was the dominant home entertainment medium. Radio

5 - In the 1920’s, the American car culture developed. As a result people were able to travel more easily, heading out of the cities into the country. In addition suburbs grew as people moved away from the city centres. Campers in Woodland Park, Seattle, WA; 1918- 1920 As cars got less expensive and people had more free time, many people started to take car camping vacations. The Automobile


7 In the post war era employment and standards of living increased. As World War I ended, technology, which had been focused on the war effort, now focused on consumer goods. As a consequence radios, washing machines, telephones, gramophones, and cars, etc., became increasingly popular and affordable for the masses as increased wages caused an increase in buying power. Household Technology

8 Household Technology cont.


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