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Air raid drills and bomb shelters

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1 Air raid drills and bomb shelters
Nuclear threats Air raid drills and bomb shelters

2 Air raid drill today When you hear the drill signal: Get under your desk Sit on your bottom bend over and cover your head to protect your head from falling debris. If you don’t fit under your desk, lay face down near a wall and cover your head with your arms. Just a necessary drill, the sooner we do it, quicker we can get on with class. (Just like our tornado and fire drills) Any questions about the procedure?

3 Air raid signal link

4 Discussion How did you feel when you first heard we would be having an air raid drill? How did you feel about getting under your desk? Does the thought about a possible attack scare or worry you? Were you concerned? Do you think air raid drills are a good thing to practice? Why or why not? (Discuss these within your group and be prepared to share out.)

5 Air raid drills Lincoln High 1950 Under desk drill

6 Nuclear threat There is not as much of a nuclear threat today, unless you count North Korea, but there were nuclear threats in the 1950’s and 1960’s specifically during the Cuban Missile Crisis. During this time the government produced commercials and videos to prepare people incase of nuclear attack

7 Duck and cover alse 1. Do you think this is an effective teaching tool? Why or why not? 2. Is “ducking and covering” an effective way to avoid being hurt during a nuclear attack? 3. Why do you think the government would produce this film when in actuality ducking and covering is useless against a nuclear attack? 4. Can you think of other things the government has done to make people feel safer that are useless?

8 Fallout shelters People built their own fallout shelters, a precaution that some people took during the Cold War. An enclosed space designed to protect occupants from radioactive debris or “fallout” that results from a nuclear explosion. They were designed to allow occupants to minimize exposure to radiation until it had dissipated to a safer level. Fallout was deadly and around for months Usually fallout shelters were built below ground at depths where radiation would not seep.

9 Fallout shelters How do you imagine it would be to live in one of these shelters underground, for months? As you lived there, what difficulties might you experience? What worries might you have? pZjfk

10 Fallout shelter handbook

11 Ads in the handbook

12 Fallout locations-if out look for this sign

13 Bomb shelter: citizens began to build their own for protection

14 assignment Create your own bomb or fallout shelter: Design it to be able to accommodate a family of 4 for a 7 day underground stay. Include a list of supplies needed. Label areas where supplies are stored. Use information from ads and handout to create your style of shelter. Creativity and neatness count.

15 Summary Nuclear Threat during the Cold War
How did the Government handle it? Effective or not? Duck and Cover Fall out Shelters Bomb Shelters 3. Do you think the US Government did all they could do to protect their citizens? Do you think we would react differently today? Why and How are we reacting to these threats?

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