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UC and CCC transfer agreement

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1 UC and CCC transfer agreement
Jia-Yi Cheng-Levine, Ph.D. Dean, International Affairs & Global Engagement College of the Canyons 加州峽谷大學 國際部院長 鄭佳宜教授

2 UC and CCC signed agreement in April, 2018 to boost transfer
News from UC “UC and CCC sign agreement to boost transfers, increase academic preparation” a joint agreement aimed at increasing the number of academically prepared community college students who transfer to UC and earn a bachelor’s degree. “Enhancing Student Transfer,” that immediately initiates a comprehensive effort to guarantee admission for all qualifying California Community College transfer students to the University of California’s system of nine undergraduate campuses.

3 What do the presidents agree on?
UC President Napolitano said. “We hope to see the tangible, positive effects of these efforts by fall of next year [2019].” CCC Chancellor said, “Community college students who transfer to the UC campuses do as well, or sometimes better academically, as students who start their studies at a UC.” 

4 What does this mean? Under the MOU, students who complete one of the UC pathways and achieve the requisite GPA will be guaranteed a place within the UC system. These guarantees will be in place for students beginning community college in fall

5 Good News: Where the California Community College Associate Degree for Transfer(ADT) meets or exceeds the major requirements in a UC transfer pathway for the same major, it will be accepted in lieu of a pathway for purposes of the guarantee. COC has 24 ADT’s: Communication Studies, Computer Science, Math, Physics, Biological Sciences, Business Administration, English, Geography, Geology, Psychology, Political Science, Journalism, etc.

6 More Good News: TAG (Transfer Agreement Guarantee):
The limitation to one campus, one program TAG has been removed; Instead of 6 UC campuses, all 9 UC campuses now participate in TAG.

7 What about students starting this Fall, 2018?
Enhanced “transfer culture” will increase students’ opportunity to be accepted by UC. TAG is not the only way to transfer to UC: Students who are accepted by one UC campus are often accepted by many more! So Start NOW! The decision you made today determines the course of your future.

8 WeChat: chenglevine TimCOC
Questions? WeChat: chenglevine TimCOC

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