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Reconstruction 1863-1877.

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1 Reconstruction

2 Frederick Douglass, 1866 The arm of the Federal government is long, but it is far too short to protect the rights of individuals in the interior of distant States. They must have the power to protect themselves, or they will go unprotected, in spite of all the laws the Federal government can put upon the national statute-book.                            

3 Reconstruction Began as War Measure
First Emancipation Proclamation Lincoln’s 10% Plan Goal was an easy peace to shorten war

4 Who Should Control Reconstruction—Congress or President?
Wade-Davis Bill Lincoln Pocket Veto Assassination of Lincoln left question unresolved when Andrew Johnson became president.

5 Lincoln’s Second Inaugural
With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan--to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations.

6 Freedman’s Bureau The Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Land, often referred to as the Freedmen's Bureau, was established in the War Department on March 3, The Bureau supervised all relief and educational activities relating to refugees and freedmen, including issuing rations, clothing and medicine. The Bureau also assumed custody of confiscated lands or property in the former Confederate States, border states, District of Columbia, and Indian Territory. Built Schools—many of whom were forerunners of the “Historically Black Colleges” in the South.

7 Freedman’s Bureau Schools

8 Andrew Johnson Rags to Riches Story “Treason must be made odious”
Initially a darling of and later a disappointment to Radical Republicans Reconstruction Plan (Proclamation of Amnesty—May 1865) similar to Lincoln’s

9 Andrew Johnson

10 Radical Republicans: Thaddeus Stevens, Charles Sumner, Ben Wade

11 Southerners Don’t Get It
Elect ex-CSA leaders to Congress, including Alexander Stephens Black Codes Race Riots

12 Radicals Respond Barely failed to override Johnson’s Veto of Bill to Extend Life of Freedman’s Bureau Overrode Johnson’s Veto of CRA of 1866 Enacted a new Freedman’s Bureau Sent 14th Amendment to States—ratified by them in 1868 Radical’s insisted on Civil Rights for former slaves and a federal enforcement mechanism

13 Radicals on a Roll—March 2, 1867
Military Reconstruction Act Command of the Army Act Tenure of Office Act

14 Military Reconstruction Act—1867 (Reconstruction Acts- Radical Reconstruction)
Divided South into Military Districts Southern States—Tn. Excepted—would write new constitutions w/ Universal Adult Male Suffrage States had to ratify 14th amendment Subsequent legislation gave Army power to register voters and to disqualify “disloyal persons” from registering.


16 South Readmitted By 1870, Southern states were readmitted
Some had to ratify 15th amendment too Reconstruction Constitutions were most LIBERAL—yes, that’s a mighty fine word, look it up—in history of Southern States. Legal means to overturn Reconstruction often culminated with rewriting these Reconstruction Constitutions.

17 Johnson Impeached Vote to remove was 35 to 18, one shy of the 2/3rds needed Radicals didn’t need to remove Johnson; by the time of his trial it was 1868, an election year; he could simply be ignored.

18 Major Achievements of Reconstruction
14th and 15th Amendments African American Participation in Public Life Readmission of Southern States

19 14th Amendment National Definitions of Citizenship
Equal Protection Clause Due Process Clause High Confederate Official banned from national office Confederate debt repudiated

20 15th Amendment “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.”

21 Failure of Reconstruction
Southern whites were violently opposed to black rights; many in north were indifferent Rise of KKK Where army was present, KKK leaders were apprehended and imprisoned Land Reform—blacks (and poor whites) left to farm tenancy

22 Sharecropping African Americans did not own land.
Forced to work for wages on their former owners’ farms. Landowner would let someone farm the land for a share of the crop. Many sharecroppers were caught in a cycle of debt.

23 “Boy, You ain’t a votin’ here”!


25 Freedmen’s World Independent Churches
Political Participation—600 served in State legislatures down to the 1890s. Dunningite myth still cloud’s African American achievements during Reconstruction


27 Grant Presidency Did attempt to enforce Reconstruction
Presidency clouded by scandals Republican party divided between Stalwart and Liberal Republicans—little energy left to devote to Reconstruction.

28 President Grant

29 1876 Presidential Election
Disputed results between Hayes and Tilden Democrats accept result of Wormsley Hotel Conference Southerner named to cabinet, army withdrawn from south, southern pacific railway In exchange for removing troops from the South, Hayes would become President. Without troops, the Reconstruction Governments collapsed and Democrats took control.


31 Mixed Results African Americans did not achieve equality.
African Americans faced poverty, prejudice, and violence. Nation was reunited. Black schools and churches still existed. The Constitution included civil rights (13th, 14th, 15th amendments.

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