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4RP – authorization of wagons

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1 4RP – authorization of wagons

2 1. Background Legal Background
Actually, no legal tekst is being published Technical pillar of 4th railway package is intended to enter into force by 01/06/2016 NSA Belgium 10/05/2016

3 2. Forecast Since June 2015, ERA is preparing in close collaboration with NSAs and the sector the implemenation of the 4RWP, By 01/06/2019, ERA will have taken over all authorisation procedures for vehicles intended to be authorised in more than one member state. For vehicles intended to be used in only one member state, the applicant will have the possibility to handle the authorisation with only the NSA of that member state whitout the intervention of ERA or with ERA. NSA Belgium 10/05/2016

4 3. Foreseen procedures ERA will set up cooperation agreements with the NSA of each member state. The applicant will have to send the request for authorisation to ERA (starting with a concept file). From there on, ERA will start up the authorisation process and will coordinate the authorisation activities with the NSA’s of the member states where the vehicles are intended to be used. During evaluation of a vehcile, (or subsystem), workgroups of concerned NSA’s, ERA, DeBO, NoBo (see comment), IM (see comment) and applicant(s) can be organised in order to make a status of the ongoing evaluations and tests and also to discuss and solve issues or problems. This workgroups will be coordinated by ERA. NSA Belgium 10/05/2016

5 3. Foreseen procedures For the authorisation process, ERA will have some inner resources but will also rely on the know how of the NSA’s. Therefore, ERA intends to create a ‘pool’ of experts. This topic is still under discussion. The evaluation process, as it exists today, will remain unchanged. The evaluation against TSI specifications will be done by the NoBo and the evaluation against NNTR wil be done by DeBo. Also the CSM processes will remain unchanged. NSA Belgium 10/05/2016

6 4. Authorisation The time schedule for the authorisation process remains the same i.e. 4 months, the ‘type authorisation’ being delivered by ERA. There is actually no clear view on (will be from ERA) registration of vehicles but it should stay the same as now. There will be a possibility for appeal by the applicant if there is a conflict between ERA and the applicant concerning the delivery of an authorisation (European Court). There is also an arbitration procedure for dispute between ERA and NSA NSA Belgium 10/05/2016

7 5. Modification In case of modification, the provisions of DV 29 apply. In case there is a new authorisation needed, the procedures as described in 3 and 4 apply. NSA Belgium 10/05/2016

8 The process as described for vehicles will apply for wagons
It is to be noticed that today, a major part of the wagon fleet used within the EU are RIV or TEN (GE). New built wagons fullfil the TSI Wagon (DC 321/2013 and its amendments) + eventually § eventually annex C and also the TSI Noise. Modifications on the wagons have to be done according to the above mentioned TSI. There is only a very restricted amount of remaining national rules for wagons in Belgium. The process as described for vehicles will apply for wagons NSA Belgium 10/05/2016

9 QUESTIONS ? NSA Belgium 10/05/2016

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