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Me Book By Mandy I Like Animals Mice are one of my favorite animals because they are small and cute! They also have soft silky fur!

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Presentation on theme: "Me Book By Mandy I Like Animals Mice are one of my favorite animals because they are small and cute! They also have soft silky fur!"— Presentation transcript:


2 Me Book By Mandy

3 I Like Animals Mice are one of my favorite animals because they are small and cute! They also have soft silky fur!

4 My Self Portrait Amanda

5 My Favorite Foods One of my favorite things to eat is French apple pie because it has lots of cinnamon. Another one of my foods to eat is fried rice because it has peas and rice. Something else I like to eat is hard boiled eggs because they have a mellow flavor.

6 I Enjoy.... My favorite subject is writing because I get to express my feelings and my thoughts.

7 I Enjoy.... I enjoy playing my cello.

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