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Request for Qualifications (RFQ) Architectural & Engineering Services for Seattle City Hall Plaza Restoration CDCM #2019-01 Presubmittal Conference June.

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Presentation on theme: "Request for Qualifications (RFQ) Architectural & Engineering Services for Seattle City Hall Plaza Restoration CDCM #2019-01 Presubmittal Conference June."— Presentation transcript:

1 Request for Qualifications (RFQ) Architectural & Engineering Services for Seattle City Hall Plaza Restoration CDCM # Presubmittal Conference June 12, 2019 Finance and Administrative Services

2 Seattle City Hall Plaza Restoration
Timetable RFQ Releas e June 5 Presubmittal Conference June 12 Questions Due by June 19 Sealed Submittals Due to the City June 26, 2:00pm Notification for Interview June 28 Interviews July 2 Announcement of Selection July 5 Seattle City Hall Plaza Restoration June 12, 2019 Finance and Administrative Services

3 Seattle City Hall Plaza Restoration
Deliver To: Courier and Hand Delivery – Physical Address US Post Office – Mailing Address ATTN: Ryan Kennedy Seattle Municipal Tower Dept. of Finance and Administrative Services Capital Development & Construction Mgt. Division 700 Fifth Ave., Suite 5200 (floor 52) Seattle, WA P.O. Box 94689 Seattle, WA Questions To: Seattle City Hall Plaza Restoration June 12, 2019 Finance and Administrative Services

4 Seattle City Hall Plaza Restoration
Scope Eliminate water intrusion at the west plaza area Remove material, construct, and restore Single document packages for a single public works project with multiple construction phases Occupied building Predesign completed 3/29/19 by Miller Hayashi Architects MACC is $3,000,000 Seattle City Hall Plaza Restoration June 12, 2019 Finance and Administrative Services

5 Seattle City Hall Plaza Restoration
Scope Modernize and replace one passenger elevator Modernize and replace freight passenger elevator Separate document packages for two public works projects Occupied building Predesign completed 3/8/19 by ARC Architects MACC is $1,772,000 Estimated Project Schedule Project Phase and Key Milestones Target Date for Key Milestones Consultant Contracting September 2019 Schematic Design complete December 2019 Design Development complete March 2020 Construction Documents complete July 2020 Public Works Bidding Q3 2020 Notice to Proceed/Equipment Order Q4 2020 Substantial Completion October 2021 Seattle City Hall Plaza Restoration June 12, 2019 Finance and Administrative Services

6 Seattle City Hall Plaza Restoration
Predesign Findings The findings of the latest investigation generally confirm the construction assemblies indicated in the record as-built documents, and general conclusions are as follows: -The leaking appears to be caused primarily due to the lack of a continuous waterproofing membrane system and flashing as designed in the original construction drawings. -The waterproofing system consists of water-repellent ad-mixture (Caltite) has proven to be an ineffective water resistive barrier. -Deficiencies in the existing under slab drainage assembly, and detailing of subsequent repair attempts, appear to further contribute to the water infiltration issues. Seattle City Hall Plaza Restoration June 12, 2019 Finance and Administrative Services

7 Seattle City Hall Plaza Restoration
Scope of Services In order to completely address the water infiltration issues, it is the recommendation of the “Plaza Water Infiltration Investigation Report” dated March 29, 2019, that a properly detailed waterproof membrane assembly be installed throughout the plaza, planters, and fountain. Scope to accomplish this will require, at a minimum, the following: -Removal of all concrete paving, stone pavers, and landscaping, and underlying materials, down to the structural concrete slab, throughout the plaza, planters, central stair, and fountain. -Removal of stone wall veneer at the building a minimum 12” above topping slab elevation to tie waterproofing into existing wall weather barrier system. -Installation of a membrane waterproofing system with flashing and drain mat throughout. -Installation of a fully soldered stainless-steel pan along the length of the exterior fountain. -Modification of drains to reduce the accumulation of water at the structural slab. -Reinstallation or replacement of hardscapes, stone veneer, and landscaping to match existing. Seattle City Hall Plaza Restoration June 12, 2019 Finance and Administrative Services

8 Seattle City Hall Plaza Restoration
Scope of Services The selected Prime Consultant will develop the design steps required to implement the selected predesign option in a single package with multiple construction phases. It is anticipated this assignment will ultimately require the following subconsultant services, but the level of information and the scope of each subconsultant involvement shall be established by selected consultant as approved by FAS CDCM. Prime Consultant –Basic Design Services (architectural) Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Exterior Envelope Consultant Cost Estimation Seattle City Hall Plaza Restoration June 12, 2019 Finance and Administrative Services

9 Seattle City Hall Plaza Restoration
RFQ Additional Content Consultant qualifications Form of contract On-line business registry How to questions City changes by Addendum See E-bid for Addenda MWBE subcontracting Insurance requirements Submittal requirements pages, double sided Inclusion Plan 3 hard copies Evaluation Criteria Seattle City Hall Plaza Restoration June 12, 2019 Finance and Administrative Services

10 Seattle City Hall Plaza Restoration
June 12, 2019 Finance and Administrative Services

11 Seattle City Hall Plaza Restoration
June 12, 2019 Finance and Administrative Services

12 Seattle City Hall Plaza Restoration
June 12, 2019 Finance and Administrative Services

13 Seattle City Hall Plaza Restoration
June 12, 2019 Finance and Administrative Services

14 Seattle City Hall Plaza Restoration
June 12, 2019 Finance and Administrative Services

15 Seattle City Hall Plaza Restoration
Timetable RFQ Releas e June 5 Presubmittal Conference June 12 Questions Due by June 19 Sealed Submittals Due to the City June 26, 2:00pm Notification for Interview June 28 Interviews July 2 Announcement of Selection July 5 Seattle City Hall Plaza Restoration June 12, 2019 Finance and Administrative Services

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