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Notes Date Tennessee SPI Objective:

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1 Notes Date Tennessee SPI Objective:
SPI 0807.Inq.1A Independent Variables Notes SPI 0807.Inq.1 (Variables and Controls) Date Tennessee SPI Objective: Design a simple experimental procedure with an identified control and appropriate variables. (independent variable) Essential Question(s) 1) What is the scientific method, and which step of this process is the most important? (explain why) 2) What are experiments? 3) What is an independent variable? I Can Statement I can identify independent variables in simple experiments.

2 Variables and Controls in Experiments Used with the scientific method
Science Notes SPI 0807.Inq.1A Variables and Controls in Experiments Used with the scientific method Step 1: Make Observations Step 2: Ask A Question Step 3: Form A Hypothesis Step 4: Test The Hypothesis By doing experiments Step 5: Analyze The Results Step 6: Draw Conclusions Step 7: Communicate results Scientific Method (In List Format) Use independent variables when you test your hypothesis by doing experiments (see step 4 above)

3 An Independent Variable
SPI 0807.Inq.1 (Variables and Controls) Notes Science Independent Variables In an experiment… …you should only test for ONE key thing at a time When you repeat the experiment… …only change this ONE key thing This one thing is called… An Independent Variable Also know as….the manipulated variable

4 The Independent Variable
SPI 0807.Inq.1 (Variables and Controls) Notes Science Memory Trick Independent variable begins with the letter “I” So remember the letter “I.” Imagine yourself doing the experiment., and ask yourself… “What ONE thing will I change when repeating the experiment?” That one thing will be… The Independent Variable Also know as….the manipulated variable

5 (Variables and Controls)
Video Review SPI 0807.Inq.1 (Variables and Controls) Science Let's take a moment to watch and discuss a video-song about this topic Link (3 min 38 sec): Variables Song by Mr. Edmonds

6 Graphing Independent Variables
y-axis x-axis The independent variable should be on the x-axis Link (2 min 19 sec): Video-Graphing Ind and Dep Variable

7 What is the independent (manipulated) variable?
Example: A scientist is conducting an experiment to test how sunlight affects plant growth. 1st Trial: places a corn plant 1 meter away from a solar lamp. 2nd Trial: places a corn plant 2 meters away from a solar lamp. 3rd Trial: places a corn plant 3 meters away from a solar lamp. Corn plant 01 Corn plant 02 Corn plant 03 What is the independent (manipulated) variable? Hint: What is the one thing being changed during each trial? Independent variable is the distance from the solar lamp which is connected with the amount of light received.

8 Example: A student uses three types of Elmer’s glue to determine
which type has the strongest bond when gluing two pieces of writing paper together. She places 2 grams of glue on each sheet and then measures how much force it takes to pull them apart. Liquid-washable Glue Stick-washable Glue Stick-nonwashable Trial 02 Trial 01 Trial 03 What is the independent (manipulated) variable in this example? Hint: What is the one thing being changed during each trial? The independent variable is the type of glue

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