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Chapter 11 section 1, 2, & 3 Vocabulary Review

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1 Chapter 11 section 1, 2, & 3 Vocabulary Review

2 A joint-stock company granted a royal charter by Elizabeth I in 1600 for the purpose of controlling trade in India

3 British East India Company

4 A major political party in India, founded in 1855 to press for greater rights for Indians under British rule, it later became one of the main forces calling for Indian independence

5 Indian National Congress

6 The British rule of India from 1857 until 1947

7 Raj

8 Political group founded in to protect the rights of Indian Muslims; it later became one of the main forces calling for Indian independence and a separate nation for Indian Muslims

9 Muslim League

10 A rebellion of Hindu and Muslim soldiers against the British in India

11 Sepoy Mutiny

12 The right of citizens to be tried in the courts of their native country rather than in the courts of the country they are living in

13 Extraterritoriality

14 A siege of a foreign settlement in Beijing by Chinese nationalists who were angry at foreign involvement in China

15 Boxer Rebellion

16 Emperor of Japan from to 1912; he restored imperial rule to Japan and with the help of samurais pushed for many reforms in Japan

17 Emperor Meiji Emperor Akihito Emperor Hirohito
A. Emperor Meiji

18 Chinese statesman & revolutionary leader, he believed that China should be a democracy but that it first needed to replace the Qing dynasty with a ruling nationalist party. He founded the Revolutionary Alliance in 1905.

19 Xi Jinping Sun Yixian Li Keqiang
B. Sun Yixian

20 Revolt against the Qing dynasty in China led by Hong Xiuquan, a convert to Christianity; over 20 million Chinese died; eventually suppressed with British and French aid

21 Taiping Rebellion

22 Trade treaty between Japan and the U. S
Trade treaty between Japan and the U.S. opening two Japanese ports to U.S. trade; signed in response to a show of force by U.S. admiral Matthew Perry

23 Treaty of Kanagawa

24 War fought between China and Japan for influence over Korea; Japan’s victory symbolized its successful modernization

25 Sino-Japanese War

26 Trade treaties that China signed under pressure of invasion; gave Western powers trade benefits

27 Unequal treaties

28 British imperialist and business magnate; he was one of the foremost advocates of expanding the British Empire and was a strong believer in the superiority of the “Anglo- Saxon” race

29 A. Leopold II B. Cecil Rhodes C. Matthew Perry

30 Founder of the Zulu Empire; he reorganized the army and introduced new fighting tactics. He exterminated many clans and conquered most of Southern Africa.

31 A. Shaka B. Menelik II C. Zuma

32 A meeting at which representatives from European nations agreed upon rules for the European colonization of Africa

33 Berlin Conference

34 An application of Charles Darwin’s scientific theories of natural selection and the survival of the fittest to the struggle between nations and races; used in the late 1800s to justify imperialism and racism

35 Social Darwinism

36 Emperor of Ethiopia after 1889; he gained Ethiopian independence from Italy in 1896.

37 A. Desalegn B. Shaka C. Menelik II

38 King of Belgium from 1865 to 1909; he financed an expedition to the Congo and assumed the title of sovereign of the Congo Free State. His armies treated the Congolese brutally and exploited them as workers

39 A. Louis V B. Leopold I C. Leopold II

40 Egyptian waterway connecting the Mediterranean and Red Seas; built in 1869 by France- Egyptian company; in Britain bought Egypt’s share in the canal

41 Suez Canal

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