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Presentation on theme: "Poverty."— Presentation transcript:

1 Poverty

2 Poverty is the deprivation of well being.
It is the inability to satisfy one's basic needs because one lacks income (money) to buy services or from lack of access to services.

3 Fundamentally, poverty is a denial of choices and opportunities, a violation of human dignity.
It means lack of the basic ability to participate effectively in society. It means not having enough to feed and clothe a family, not having a school or clinic to go to, not having the land on which to grow one’s food or a job to earn one’s living.

4 It means insecurity, powerlessness
It means vulnerability to violence, and it often implies living in environments, without access to clean water or sanitation.

5 Absolute poverty or destitution refers to the state of severe deprivation of basic human needs, which commonly includes food, water, sanitation, clothing, shelter, health care, education and information.

6 Relative poverty refers to as being below some relative income marker, where this marker differs for each society or country. One may be relatively poor, without being in the state of absolute poverty

7 The World Bank estimated 1
The World Bank estimated 1.29 billion people were living in absolute poverty in 2008. Of these, about 400 million people in absolute poverty lived in India and 173 million people in China.

8 925 million hungry people in the world in 2010

9 Poverty is a hurdle in the way of a country's progress.
One way of helping lower poverty is by educating poor people, so that they can start contributing to a nation's economic development.

10 Education teaches the poor about their rights and may show them the path to become an important part in growth and expansion of the country.

11 One of the most important things that is needed to make a country richer is for the Government to want to help poor people do better. Without this it is hard for people to become better off.




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