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FROM NIXON TO CARTER The End of Vietnam?.

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1 FROM NIXON TO CARTER The End of Vietnam?

2 1968 Election Nixon wins over George Wallace and Hubert Humphrey
Nixon credits his win to the “silent majority” population Republican platform “peace with honor” Nixon promised to get U.S. out of Vietnam

3 Vietnam 1970 Americans discover that Lt. Calley led a troop that massacred women and children at My Lai Lt Calley stands trial



6 A Thaw in the Cold War Henry Kissinger, Secretary of State
Change in Cold War policy from “domino theory” to détente Realpolitik – political rivals could become excellent trade partners Nixon visits China and Russia Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT 1) 1972


8 Nixon Doctrine U.S. will honor their existing defense commitment, however, in the future Asians would have to fight their own wars U.S. begins pulling troops out of Vietnam

9 Cambodia Harbored North Vietnamese training camps
Viet Cong crossed the border into South Vietnam Nixon orders secret bombings in Cambodia and Laos which come to light in 1973


11 America Explodes Kent State University

12 American’s Retreat Dr. Kissinger hails that peace is at hand before the 1972 election U.S. agrees to cease-fire January 23, 1973 U.S. Leaves Saigon Embassy April 29, 1975


14 What about the MIA’S AND POW’S
They were left behind

15 Domestic Issues Representing the “Silent Majority”
Expands government with new programs such as DEA, OSHA, EPA Expansion of Welfare Programs and Food Stamps Dismantles Great Society Program – Office of Economic Opportunity Stagflation – high unemployment and high inflation

16 Economics New Federalism – intended to turn over some federal programs to the State and Local governments Block Grants, Revenue Sharing Purpose is to give more power to the States and reduce the size of the federal government

17 Foreign Policy OPEC Formed 1960 Begins as a Cartel in 1775
OPEC raises oil prices in response to the U.S. backing Israel in the 1973 Yom Kippur War This begins the downward slide of the U.S. economy Stagflation

18 Nixon and the Supreme Court
Warren Burger replaces Earl Warren as Supreme Court Justice 1969 Nixon intended to dismantle liberal rulings for rights of the accused Burger Court passes Roe v. Wade William Renquist who replaces Burger in 1986 is Associate Justice and writes majority opinions

19 Southern Strategy Nixon calls for moratorium on busing for racial and economic equality Dixicrats move from Democratic to Republican party Swann vs. Charlotte Mecklenburg First Republican Presidential Candidate to sweep the entire South 1972

20 Watergate Break-in at Democratic Party headquarters during the 1972 Democratic Convention - found out James McCord charges that President Nixon ordered the break-in Nixon has tapes of conversations that Judge Sirica orders turned over Nixon refuses, but is ordered to turn over tapes- United States v. Nixon V.President Spiro Agnew resigns over scandal Nixon resigns August 9, 1974

21 The 25th Amendment Nixon used the 25th Amendment for the first time and brought Gerald Ford into the position of Vice-President when Agnew resigned 1974 Amendment is used again when Ford becomes President after Nixon resigns Nelson Rockefeller becomes Vice President

22 Impact of Watergate Americans become distrustful of government

23 Gerald Ford 1974-1977 Pardon’s Richard Nixon
Cannot overcome stagflation

24 Economics 1973 - OPEC increases price for crude oil by 400%
Serious recessions back to back beginning in 1974 Ford opposed increasing federal spending to combat stagflation – also resisted raising taxes

25 Foreign Policy Dr. Kissinger remains as Secretary of State
Signed arms control with Brezhnev that lays the ground work for the failed SALT II under Carter Brokers deal over portions of Sinai to Egypt Helsinki Accords – 1975 nonbinding attempt to improve relations between Soviet Bloc and the West


27 Jimmy Carter – A Peanut Farmer Democrat 1977-1981
Granted amnesty to Americans who had evaded the Vietnam draft Continues détente with China and Russia Signs SALT II Treaty December, 1979 Russia invades Afghanistan SALT II defeated with President’s help in Congress

28 Jimmy Carter and Human Rights
Believed aid to developing nations should revolve around the expansion of human rights U.S. refuses to help the Sandinista government who takes power in Nicaragua Returned Panama Canal Zone to Panama in a treaty that took effect in 1999

29 MIDDLE EAST AND CARTER Camp David Accords signed in 1977 between Egypt and Israel OPEC cuts supply of oil exported U.S. begins running out of oil Ayatollah Khomeini and Fundamentalist Islamists overthrow the Shah of Iran Shah enters the U.S. for Medical Treatment 52 Americans held hostage for 444 days

30 Iran Hostage Crisis

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