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Coral reefs.

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1 Coral reefs

2 What is a coral reef? Coral reefs are beautiful, colorful and the cornerstone of a healthy ocean ecosystem. Often called the ‘rainforest of the seas’ ,they host an abundant variety of sea life—crucial habitat for about 25% of all ocean species. The Great Barrier Reef (2017)

3 What is a coral reef? By definition, A Coral Reef is an underwater ecosystem characterized by reef-building corals. Reefs are formed of colonies of coral polyps held together by calcium carbonate. Most coral reefs are built from stony corals, whose polyps cluster in groups. Underwater shot of the Buccoo reef

4 Where are Coral Reefs found?
Coral reefs are located in tropical oceans near the equator. The largest coral reef is the great barrier reef in Australia. The second largest coral reef can be found off the coast of Belize, in central America. Other reefs are found in Hawaii, the red sea, and other areas in tropical oceans.

5 Where are Coral Reefs found?
In order for coral reefs to develop and flourish several conditions may be met: Corals need to grow in shallow water where sunlight can reach them. Corals depend on the zooxanthellae (algae) that grow inside of them for oxygen and other things, and since these algae needs sunlight to survive, corals also need sunlight to survive. Warm Saltwater is necessary as corals need water that is around degrees Celsius as well as they require a certain ratio of salt to water. Clean & Clear Water is necessary as pollution can create cloudy water which would prohibit sunlight from reaching the corals.

6 Threats Although there are many problems facing reefs today, rising seawater temperature as a result of climate change is one of the most dangerous.When temperatures are too high, the relationship between corals and their symbiotic microalgae breaks down. The algae are what give corals some of their bright colors, so when this happens, corals appear white Warmer ocean temperatures cause even more problems when it comes to disease – high temperatures allow corals to become sick more easily, and allow disease-causing organisms to grow faster.

7 Uses to Human & The Environment
Coral reefs are very interesting ecosystems and life. They also have a lot of uses as well: They provide habitats for over 1 million diverse aquatic species including thousands of fish species Give many individuals jobs and provides millions of dollars in the tourism industry They provide shelter to coastlines from waves and tropical storms For people living near a reef, a surplus of food is provided

8 Strategies to Protect Them
Even if you live far from coral reefs you can have an impact on reef health. These reefs play a vital role in sustaining the health of our oceans and our economy. Here are a few strategies we can use to protect our coral reefs. Conserve-The less water we use, the less runoff and waste water that eventually find their way back to the ocean. Volunteer- Volunteer in a local beach or reef clean ups. If you don’t live near a coast get involved in protecting your water shed If You Dive Don’t Touch-Coral reefs are alive so stirred up sediment can smother the coral

9 Strategies to Protect Them
Practice Safe Boating-Anchor in sandy areas from coral and sea grass so that the anchor and chain don’t drag on nearby coral Don’t Send Chemicals Into Waterways-Nutrients from excess fertilizer increase algae growt

10 Group Members Johnathan hamman Brandon deonarine Al-Masood mohammed Michael sudwah Moosa juman

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