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Mr. Wallender’s World Geography Final Project.

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Wallender’s World Geography Final Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr. Wallender’s World Geography Final Project

2 So what are you going to do…
You select a country. Then you will further investigate its geography, history, current events, and UN development goals. All in order to present the country to the class as a final product in hopes of tying history, current events, geography, millennium development goals together.

3 Selecting a Country It must be in Central/South America, Africa, Asia or Eastern Europe. Choose a well known country Have interest The country must be from one of those four areas to be most effective for this project, since most of these are still third world developing countries and ones we have not focused on a great deal. The country needs to be a relatively well known one that way you will be sure to find plenty of good information on it. Also its best if you choose a country that you might have some interest in because if you do you’ll be more likely to get something out of this project.

4 Geography Examine location, region, and basic information on country
Prepare a handout presenting this information Answer questions posed by location

5 History Research and prepare a one page summary of the country’s history Answer questions about key aspects of a countries history

6 Current Events Choose three articles from the last three months
Summarize the key points, understand the issues, and examine the relevance to Millennium development goals

7 UN Development Goals Select two goals and compare them across countries Research or hypothesis possible solutions to problems faced by your country

8 Final Product Present a PowerPoint to the class involving all four sections of research Answer questions examining relation between all four areas.

9 Website

10 Sources The movie was adapted from:
"United Nations Population Fund." If the world comes together United Nations Population Fund. 22 April 2006 < The images as they appear we made in Photoshop but their base images came from: sotck.xchang vi HAAP Media LTD.. 22 April 2006 < (UN Logo) Foley, Dan. "Stanford Model United Nations Conference." Dan Foley April 2006 <htt:\\ ~dmfoley/SMUNC/>.

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