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Proiect LLP-LdV/PAR/2013/RO/260 “How to get new jobs? Innovative Guidance and Counselling” 1 st Dissemination Report The 3 rd transnational meeting Pescara,

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Presentation on theme: "Proiect LLP-LdV/PAR/2013/RO/260 “How to get new jobs? Innovative Guidance and Counselling” 1 st Dissemination Report The 3 rd transnational meeting Pescara,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Proiect LLP-LdV/PAR/2013/RO/260 “How to get new jobs? Innovative Guidance and Counselling” 1 st Dissemination Report The 3 rd transnational meeting Pescara, Italy

2 Releasing the project in our school The official release of the project in our school first took place on the 15 th of September 2013. About 1000 pupils, 200 parents and 100 teachers attended the event. During this time the project partners, our goals, the activities and timeline, estimated results and our institution’s responsibilities were presented.

3 Current project activities Once a month takes place a project meeting in order to review several aspects: the effectiveness in achieving our goals, the quality of our actions and products and also the plan regarding the next stages of the project, including dissemination techniques.

4 The dissemination activities Marketing products: brochure, poster, official website of our school which were made between September and October and starting with October, they were used for dissemination. Several articles were published in the school’s magazine, on the official Facebook page of the Student’s Council, further sent through Yahoo groups such as [proiecteisjis], [educonsis], etc.

5 The dissemination activities 1st dissemination workshop held on 21st of October 2013

6 The dissemination activities 2nd dissemination workshop held on the 15 th of January 2014

7 Mini-guide for students A group of 20 students, 6 of whom were selected, created a mini-guide for pupils. This mini-guide includes the examination of the issues future university students may encounter regarding choosing a career, factors which may influence their decision, necessary skills, stages of career choosing, self- evaluation techniques, methods used for choosing a career path and information sources.

8 “MADE FOR EUROPE” Contest-Regional stage The Mini-guide for Career Choosing was presented by Iftime Adina at the regional stage of the Made for Europe Contest between 21 st and 2 nd of March and won the first prize and qualified for the national stage of the project. During this event a exhibition had been organized in order to present more project products. Around 100 students and teachers, representing 30 different schools participated in this activity. The event was presented in news papers and newspapers of the local media.


10 “MADE FOR EUROPE” Contest-Regional stage

11 Made for Europe Contest National stage It took place in Brasov between 9 th and 12 th April. Around 500 students from different parts of the country participated in this competition. Our school was represented by Iftime Adina and The Mini-guide for Career Choosing earned the bronze medal ( third place).

12 Made for Europe Contest National stage

13 Counseling activities during “ A Different School” Week

14 Counseling activities during “ Different School” Week Between 7 th and 12 th of April, the teachers and students involved in this project made the presentation of the Mini-Guide and other project-related products. In these activities participated more than 300 middle school and high school students.

15 Counseling activities during “ A Different School” Week

16 More than 100 pupils participated at the educational offers fair and around 100 students visited several universities such as The University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Agriculture University and so on. Over 200 students, together with their teachers, joined in The Science Week

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