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New Starts Process Evangelical Outreach and Congregational Mission

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1 New Starts Process Evangelical Outreach and Congregational Mission
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

2 New Ministry Profile Mission field is identified locally in conjuction with the synod outreach committee and the Mission Director in keeping with synod outreach goals New Ministry Profile is prepared NMP is presented at the EOCM Review Table

3 Review Table Review Table takes place in March
Other mini-reviews take place at other times during the year Those present at the review table include Bishops from the nine regions, EOCM Executive Director, Director for New Starts, Assistant Director for New Starts, Mission Directors and Ethnic specific coordinators.

4 Search for Developer If a developer has not already been identified, the Mission director begins the search for a Mission Developer in coordination with the Leadership Office. Often developers are raised up out of the forming faith community

5 Screening and Interview
Once a potential developer has been identified, he or she must be approved as a Mission Developer. Steps in the leadership process include Pre-screening Structured interview Report

6 Background Check Once the interview process is complete, the interviewers submit their report Approved candidates must have a background check Background check can be done by EOCM or the fiscal agent for the new start

7 Salary and Funding Upon completion of an approved background check, Mission Director consults with Director of New Starts to finalize: Salary and benefits for Mission Developer Salary or grant funding Salary affirm what is in the NMP or be adjusted as is appropriate

8 Ethnic Specific Starts
In the case of ethnic specific starts, Mission Director should be in consultation with the appropriate ethnic consultants and networks. Consultants may include directors of the ethic communities in Multicultural Ministries or EOCM ethnic staff.

9 Currently we have the following ethic specific networks:
African American African Descent Asian/Pacific Islander American Indian/Alaska Native Arab Middle Eastern Latino

10 Call is Extended EOCM appoints the developer. A letter of appointment is sent. Since the congregation is under development, the synod council extends the call to the Mission Developer In some circumstances, the fiscal agent (founding congregation) may extend the call

11 Details, details Following appointment, the Mission Director works with the developer and the Coordinator of New Starts regarding moving issues The developer will receive a packet of information from Human Resources regarding payroll (if salary), housing (if rostered) benefits, pension and I-9 form. All appropriate forms are expected to be completed before the developer begins ministry.

12 Continuing Education Mission Director attends Mission Developer training with the developer. Mission Director finds a trained coach for each Mission Developer Mission Director connects developers with stewardship staff and Mission Investment Fund building consultants

13 Contact Information Rev. Ruben Duran Office cell Rev. Mary Frances Office cell Pat Schmitt Office Laura Beedle Office


15 Pre-Screening Process
Once a potential developer has been identified, he or she must be approved as a Mission Developer. The pre-screening process consists of: Completion of background information by candidate Permission by Bishop/reference by Bishop Interview by phone, face to face or on-line via Gallup website

16 Structured Interview Once pre-screening is completed and candidate is recommended into process, the Leadership Office (EOCM) schedules the structured interview Structured interview is approx 4 hours long performed by two trained interviewers Key is joint discernment more than “approval”

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