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Arlington Census CCC Check In July 23, 2019.

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1 Arlington Census CCC Check In July 23, 2019

2 AGENDA (8:00-9:15 AM) Welcome and Roll Call CENSUS updates
Subcommittee Updates (HTC, Partners, Donations, Communications) Areas of Focus Key Activities Resources Needed Census at the County Fair (August 16-18) Partner Recruitment and Training Updates Next Steps

3 Updates from U.S. Census Bureau
Options for Taking the Census Online By phone Paper Access Print: English/Spanish (upon request) Phone/Online: 12 Languages 59 Language Guides ASL Video Braille/Large Print Citizenship Question

4 Census Timeline September-December: Public Awareness/Partner Recruitment and Education January-February: Public Education (What, Why, How) March –June: BE Counted (Full Participation) PHASE 1 March 16-23, 2020 – Mailing #1 sent to homes March 20-27, 2020 – Mailing #2 sent to non-respondents March 30-April 6, 2020 – Mailing #3 Postcard sent to non-respondents March 2020 – Group quarters enumeration begins for those living in group quarters like dorms, nursing homes, etc. and for the homeless April 1, 2020 – NATIONAL CENSUS DAY! PHASE 2 April 12-19, 2020 – Mailing #4 Letter & Paper Questionnaire sent to those who have not yet responded April 23-30, 2020 – Mailing #5 – It’s not too late! Postcard Sent ​Early May-Late July, 2020 – Non-response follow-up​

5 Regional Coordination
Governor’s CCC Northern Virginia Community Foundation Washington Council of Governments Greater Washington Community Foundation GRANTS Telemundo

6 Subcommittee Updates Areas of Focus Key Activities Resources Needed

7 Hard to Count Develop proactive intentional strategies to reach ensure individuals in hard to count communities participate in the 2020 Census. Persons who distrust the government LGBTQ persons Persons with mental or physical disabilities Persons who do not live in traditional housing (group quarters) Millennials Seniors Young children Highly mobile persons Racial and ethnic minorities Non-English speakers Low income persons Persons experiencing homelessness Undocumented immigrants

8 How it works/ Civic Duty
HTC Messaging HTC Group Key Message Young children You Count Highly mobile persons Racial and ethnic minorities Trust Non-English speakers Low income persons Trust / Benefits Persons experiencing homelessness You Count/Trust Undocumented immigrants Persons who distrust the government LGBTQ persons Persons with mental or physical disabilities You Count / Benefits Persons who do not live in traditional housing (Group Quarters) You Count/How it works Millennials Civic Duty/ You Count Seniors How it works/ Civic Duty Key Messages: You Count Trust Benefits & Impact Civic Duty How it works

Trusted Advisors Identify trusted advisors or organizations for each of the HTC groups. Finalize list by September 15, 2019 Meet with trusted advisors by October 15, 2019 HTC Co-Chairs to meet soon with the Partners Co-Chairs to begin identification of Trusted advisors.

HTC Next Steps Determine general census materials for use now. Print - Flyers, basic informational fact sheets Video - PowerPoint of short bullets for presentations Lift text from Census materials already in place Translations can be done locally, as AFAC and others have resources Trusted advisors for HTC groups Finalize list by September 15, 2019 Identify who will reach out to trusted advisors Meet with trusted advisors by October 15, 2019 Communicate results to other sub-committees

11 Energizing Partners Focus on developing key activities and strategies to keep partners engaged and energized. Develop a partner toolkit—to help build awareness across their networks. Proactively communicate with partners and help support them in their outreach efforts throughout the Census season.

Energizing Partners Continue Partner Recruitment (all CCC members) Develop specific messages for unique types of trusted partner Make it easy for partners to participate Create ‘swag’ bag for partner organizations

Energizing Partners Partner Resources (newsletter content, social media, etc.) Partner Training September 26 (Evening) December 7 (Saturday) Partner Palooza (January 2020) Partner BE Counted Events (March-June 2020)

14 Donations Focus on outreach to businesses and foundations to make donations to support before and during COUNT SEASON in 2020. This includes items that will encourage residents to come on out and BE COUNTED (food, give-a ways, creative educational materials,

Donations Identify resource needs from other subcommittees Food, Swag, IPADs, Materials Establish ‘tiers’ of donation types Prioritize /Align various potential supporters Set up checks, balances for accepting and distributing funds through 3rd party

16 The Communications and Messaging
Develop key themes, messages, infographics, sample newsletter articles, and stories. Develop a social media kit for partner use; Work on strategic media placement.

Communications CONFIDENTIAL, SAFE, IMPORTANT Inventory materials already developed (or in production) Coordinate messaging regionally Create a multi-tiered communication strategy Media Social Media Fact Sheets, Palm cards, Door Hangers, Infographics Newsletter Article Content Video/PSA Language Translation

18 ARLINGTON COUNTS Arlington County Fair August 16-18 SIGN UP

19 Being an Arlington 2020 Census Partner is easy!
Sign up to be a Partner Organization through the form below. Share information about the importance of participating in Census 2020 across your networks (Arlington will provide regular updates for you to share). Encourage everyone to Be Counted in Census 2020  between March -June 2020.

20 Census Timeline September-December: Public Awareness & Partner Education January-February: Public Education (What, Why, How) March –June: BE Counted (Full Participation)

21 Sat, June 1 (AM): Organizational Meeting
CCC Homework: Recruit 5-10 New Partners; Individual Subcommittee Meetings Tues July 23 (PM): CCC Virtual Check-In Subcommittee Draft Action Plans August 16-18: COUNTY FAIR CCC Volunteer 2-3 Hour Shifts Sat, Sept 14: CCC In-Person (TIME TBD) Agenda: Subcommittee updates; Partner Updates; Outreach Updates Thurs, Sept 26: PARTNER TRAINING (7PM) Thurs, Oct 24: CCC Virtual Check-in Agenda: Partner Gap outreach; Finalize Subcommittee 2020 Actions Sat, Nov 2: PARTNER TRAINING (TIME TBD) Sat, Dec 7: CCC In-Person Agenda: Subcommittee updates, Partner status, 2020 Strategic View

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