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Chinese I, II, III and IVourse Name

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Presentation on theme: "Chinese I, II, III and IVourse Name"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chinese I, II, III and IVourse Name
Welcome to Georgia Virtual School Loyee Ling Chinese I, II, III and IVourse Name Fall 2019

2 A little about myself Hello, This is Ms. Ling. I have two kids who are 20 years old and 18 years old. My son studies at UGA and my daughter is in 12th grade in Milton High School at Fulton County School District. I have taught Chinese for over 18 years which include elementary, secondary and college levels. My hobby are writing, reading, music, fashion design, cooking, gardening and so on. Recently I play squash and I really enjoy this sport which I never think that I can play this. I really enjoy watch the musical program such as sound of music or opera such as Phantom of the Opera.

3 My contact information My contact information can always be found in your course information widget. Let’s review what you’ll find there. Phone: Hours of Availability: 2pm-10pm Please leave a brief message include your full name, class name and I will call you back as soon as I can. Thank you.

4 Syllabus and schedule Your course syllabus and schedule can be found in your course information widget. Your course schedule is embedded in the course syllabus for your enrollment group. The course information widget is on the right side of your course home page. Let me know if you have questions.

5 Where to find your syllabus and schedule
Please take the time to carefully review your syllabus and course schedule. These can be found in the course information widget on the right side of the course homepage. Please scroll down to find it. Let me know if you have questions.

6 Assignments What you need to do each day and the assignments you need to turn in are detailed in your course schedule. The schedule is a calendar and you should follow it as closely as you can. Although you should turn in assignments as they fall on the schedule, the absolute assignment due dates are Wednesdays by 11:59 pm. Teachers, we strongly suggest that you show students how to locate course schedules and how to use them for knowing when to turn in assignments.

7 Where find Content Click on Course Materials (middle top of course home) Fall 2019 Fall 2019 This is the example of Chinese IAB and you may have the different course name such as IA, IIA, IIAB, IIIA, IIIAB, IVA and IVAB

8 Under Assessments and Course Materials

9 Module in the content There are 6-8 pages in each module. Example for IAB Please click on first blue link in the module content, see example below: I use Chinese IAB for example and you may see the different module name, please check your course schedule.

10 Assignments Under Assessments – 1st left top
1 Discussion topic under Assessments 2 Quiz or test under Assessments - Quiz Under Course Materials – 2nd left top 3 Cultural reflection – page 3 or 4 of module 4 Character writing – last 3rd page of module 5 Listening/speaking – page 3 or 4 of module You will only submit assignments according to the description of course schedule if there is conflict between content and schedule. Print out course schedule to turn your work on time.

11 Saving Assignments Be sure to save and close the document before submitting. You submission will be only accepted as below format. Each document should include your name and the name of the assignment. .mp3

12 GAVS Late Work Policy All student work is due Wednesday at midnight. Check course schedules for course assignments and specific due dates. ​ Work turned in after the deadline on the course schedule will be accepted within 2 school days with a late penalty assessed. ​School days are Monday – Friday. A 20% late penalty is deducted for assignments submitted on Thursday or Friday following the Wednesday assignment due date. After the end of the day Friday, assignments will no longer be accepted for graded credit unless a formal extension is requested and approved in accordance with the GAVS Make Up Work Policy.​

13 GAVS Late Work Policy

14 Assignment due dates – Last week of instruction
The final assignment due dates of the semester are Wednesday, November 20 and Friday, November 22. Please keep this mind. Assignment Due Date Last day to turn in assignments for a late grade Wednesday, November 20 (assignments listed on schedule from Nov. 13 – Nov. 19) Friday, November 22 Friday, November 22 (assignments listed on schedule from Nov. 20 – Nov. 22) Tuesday, December 3

15 What about vacation? You must follow the GAVS calendar.
If your school has breaks that differ from the GAVS calendar, work ahead. If your family goes on a vacation or you go on a school trip that takes place while GAVS is in session, you are still required to turn in assignments that fall on your GAVS schedule. Vacations and school trips are not an excuse for late work. No exceptions will be granted for late work.

16 Technical Difficulties
Technical difficulties are not an excuse for late work. You must have access to a computer to complete your work. Have backup computers in mind just in case - public library computer, neighbor’s computer, friend’s computer, for example. GAVS courses can also be accessed on many mobile devices. In short, you are responsible for managing your time and for ensuring that you have the proper technology in place to complete your courses. Contact me immediately, if you are experiencing technical difficulties.

17 Student Success Site The Student Success Site provides resources to make your transition to the online learning environment easier. You can find the Student Success Site in two places on your course homepage: 1) from the dropdown Student Resources menu and 2) in your Course Information widget. In the Student Success Site, you will find resources on: navigating your course, turning in assignments, checking your grades, Office 365, etc. Teachers, please show students where the Student Success Site is in their course and show them how to navigate it, if possible.

18 GAVS You will need to logout from your local school then re-login GAVS account. All GAVS correspondence is conducted via your student GAVS account, not your personal external account. In your course classroom bulletin board, you will find a resource to show you how to access your GAVS . You can also locate a link to access your GAVS in the Teacher Information widget.

19 Office 365 Word Excel PowerPoint OneNote Outlook
As a GAVS student, you can install the Microsoft Office 365 suite for FREE on up to 5 computers and your mobile device. Office 365 includes: Word Excel PowerPoint OneNote Outlook Your Office 365 plan also includes 1 TB of OneDrive storage, which is a space you can you use to store and share assignments, if you so choose. Everything you need to know about downloading and using Office 365 is in the Student Success Site.

20 Saving Assignments Your name Assignment name
Per GAVS policy, I cannot accept any Google documents or external links to your assignments. Again, no Google documents. I also cannot accept any assignments via . Each assignment you submit should include: Your name Assignment name Be sure to save and close your assignment before submitting it. Your assignment should be saved in a common format such as: .DOCX .PPTX .PDF .MP3 .XLSX

21 Academic Honesty Do not copy and paste information from the Internet and submit as an assignment to be graded without reference. ​ Do not resubmit an assignment that has previously been submitted in another class.​ Plagiarized work will result in consequences as described in the student handbook.​ Your work should be yours alone without help from others unless your teacher gives permission. A detailed explanation of the Student Code of Conduct can be found your course syllabus and in the Student Success Site.

22 Have questions? There are a number of resources available to you to help you be resourceful in answering questions you may have. You can click on Help on your course homepage. You can use the Student Success Site. You can reference your Student Handbook about GAVS policies and procedures.

23 Preferred Browser Mozilla Firefox is our preferred browser.
Download Mozilla Firefox for free at:

24 Correspondences Use your GAVS e-mail to correspond with me.
Do not use your external personal to correspond with me. Please check your GAVS daily, Monday – Friday. Your parents will receive notification s about your grade every Wednesday through our Net Response system. Another important form of correspondence is the feedback I provide in your assignment submissions. Check your grades and read my assignment feedback daily.

25 Weekly Synchronous Office Hour
I hold a weekly office hour via our synchronous learning platform, Jigsaw. I hold the weekly office hour to help you be successful in your course. If there is a particular topic you are struggling with or there is an assignment you have more questions about, let me know prior to my weekly office hour and I will cover that for you. The day and time of my office hour is located in your Course Information widget. Attending my weekly office hour is one of the best ways to ensure that you are staying on top of the course content and assignments. If you are not able to attend my weekly office hour, I post a recording link in your course User Links widget.

26 Weekly Synchronous Office Hour
My weekly office hour is interactive. To take full advantage of your interactions with me during my office hour, you will need speakers and a microphone. You probably have a microphone already installed on your computer. If not, you can buy a computer headset with speakers and microphone at any major retail store for $20 or less. You do not have to speak, although more efficient and easier, during my weekly office hour. You can type your questions and responses in the text box in Jigsaw.

27 Your course grade To be successful, you need to check your course grade daily. See the Student Success Site to see how to check your course grade. I suggest you work 3 days ahead according to your syllabus to be sure to have time to redo it to receive the best grade in your grade book or other issue happened in the future. Thank you. Your course grade is comprised of the following categories and percentages: Discussions – 10% Coursework/Quizzes Tests/Projects Listening/Speaking Final Exam

28 Grading I will grade your assignments within 3 school days of submission, Monday – Friday. 0s will be entered for incomplete work following each assignment due date. Review the feedback I leave for quizzes, discussions, and assignments. Please contact me immediately, if you have questions.

29 Let’s take a look at the course...
Teachers, please take a moment to go through the course with your students showing them: The different widgets How to use the course content Where they submit assignments (discussions, quizzes, assignments) How to locate the Student Success Site News items – how important they are

30 Brightspace Help Sessions
GAVS offers Brightspace Help Sessions for students and parents via our synchronous learning platform, Jigsaw. The dates and time for this semester’s Brightspace Help Sessions are:​ Sunday, August 3 pm Tuesday, August 7 pm Tuesday, August 7 pm Tuesday, September 7 pm Thursday, September 11 am

31 To access the Brightspace Help Session
You will join by entering the meeting as an attendee.  ​ Your username is your address.  ​ If you are a GAVS student, please use your GAVS address Enter your first and last name. ​ Select continue.  ​ Click the browser icon to enter the Brightspace Help Session. Here is the link to join each Brightspace Help Session: Brightspace Help Session Jigsaw Room Brightspace Help Session information is also located in your GAVS homepage news items.

32 And remember... I am here to help you be successful in this course.
Do not hesitate to contact me should you have questions or need extra help. Let’s have a great semester!

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