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2 Why Carry out Maintenance on your equipment?

3 Maintenance Keep equipment in good working condition.
Equipment ready to be deployed at any time. (Do you have time to carry out maintenance before emergency deployment?). Ensures water you treat is Safe to Drink?

4 Maintenance What part of the water treatment process is the most important to maintain?

Ask the group what they think is the most part of the system to maintain? Are the pumps the most important part of the system to maintain? Are the Water treatment units the most important to maintain? The Storage? Distribution?

6 Maintenance If the pumps are broken, can you deliver safe, clean water? If the water treatment unit is broken or dirty, can you deliver safe, clean water? If the water storage is broken or dirty, can you deliver safe, clean water? If the tap stands are broken, can you deliver safe, clean water? The point of the slide is that all parts of the system are just as important as each other. If one part is broken or not working correctly, it effects everything.

7 Pumps What Common problems have you experience with your pumps?
Ask the group what problems they have come across.

8 Pumps Some Common Problems Pump rusts in storage and stops working.
Water pump rusts solid and stops rotating. Fuel tank – Old fuel blocks fuel filters Any others?

9 Pumps Rust Keep pump out of rain. Store is clean dry place. Spray oil / lubricant on outside of pump. Flush pump with clean water after use. Drain pump of water after use (bottom of pump chamber). Fuel System Keep water out of fuel tanks Drain fuel tanks before each use. (cost of fuel cheap, cost of fixing blocked pump – expensive) Spray oil on the outside of the pump only. If the oil gets on the inside of the pump, it will go through the water treatment plant. Drain the bottom of the pump chamber. There will be a small nut/bolt at the bottom of the pump chamber that you can undo and drain the water. Drain fuel tanks when taken out of storage and before use. Diesel gets a growth in it called “diesel bug? And when you start the pump, the diesel growth blocks the pump. Best just to drain the pump before use. Diesel is cheap (maybe 1 ltr in the pump). Cost of fixing pump – expensive.

10 Filters Algae can grow inside filters when in storage

11 Filters Backwash filters before each use use with clean water for minimum of 10 minutes to remove Algae from filter Backwash filters after use with clean water for minimum of 10 minutes. When place filters in storage, backwash filters with Chlorinated water (from water you have produced).

12 Storage Algae can grow in water bladders when in storage.
Any other problems? Ask them they have had problems in the past with dirty bladders and tanks?

13 Storage Flush water bladders with “shock dose” of Chlorine before use. Walk up and down on the bladder (without shoes), trying to clean the inside of the bladder Flush water bladders with “shock dose” of Chlorine before you place bladders in Storage. Make sure the bladders are dry before placed into storage Once Water Bladders have Algae growing inside them. Very difficult to clean.

14 Distribution What Common problems have you experience when setting up tap stands?

15 Distribution Rusting and missing parts? Missing tools? Hoses leaking?
Any others?

16 Distribution Clean equipment once finished and store in clean dry place. Check that all tools are stored with tap stands. Check hoses for leaks.

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