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Published byHannu Juuso Salo Modified over 5 years ago
Honors Study Topic 2018-2019 Honors Study Topic 2018-2019 Paulette
Good Evening and Welcome! /So excited to see you all here! /As members of this amazing organization you have opportunities to apply learning/and practice real-world problem-solving/ by developing an in-depth, action-oriented project related to research of an Honors Study Topic.
Acknowledging, Assessing, and Achieving Change
January 1, 2018 – December 31, 2019 Designed to engage students in informed action 9 themes Paulette- This is the last year for this Guide, so make it count. (Hold up guide). You should have received a copy of the Honors Study Guide in your registration package. Every two years there is a new guide that fosters student success and helps fulfill our mission to provide college students opportunities to grow as scholars and leaders. These guides are unique and define the difference between Honors in Action and simply action. Honors in Action is action informed by research, which makes a lasting impact and contributes to the betterment of society.
Economies of Everything Politics of Identity Dynamics of Discovery
Networks of Life Economies of Everything Politics of Identity Dynamics of Discovery Channels of Creativity Visions of Justice Powers of Connection Worlds of Work Systems of Belief Each theme is followed by an overall question. Judging Rubric used for Hallmark Awards. Jason- Each theme gives us a unique perspective and provides thought provoking questions on global issues. So, when you have time, review each theme. At the end of the guide, you will find a rubric. Use this rubric to decide which of the themes you believe best apply to the movie you are about to watch. .
Honors in Action Brainstorming
With Your Chapter Students Advisors Be Open Minded Be Organized Listen Provide Time Stay Curious Be a Resource Pro Tip 1: Start with the theme and work out towards ideas OR Start with an idea and work back through the themes Yohana – What’s the first step to creating an HiA project? By brainstorming! Make a list of your ideas and allow everyone to have some input of their ideas without judgement. Then appoint a “facilitator” (not a leader) and a “scribe” or secretary to keep you all organized and on track. Also “ no negativity” and look at all your generated ideas as a group. You can also find a list of films in the HiA section of that can give you project ideas. Most importantly have fun, laugh, dream, and think big! USE THE GUIDE
Observation Not Assumption Geneffer 1. Evaluate multiple, global perspectives of a theme as it relates to the Honors Study Topic. 2. Demonstrate undergraduate research fundamentals by identifying sources, appraising their credibility, and formulating conclusions based on evidence.
Pro Tip 2: Follow Your Curiosity What are you and your team passionate about? What’s current or hot or interesting on your campus or in your community? Pro Tip 3: The Scholarly Question: What do we want to discover about our research research topic? What research have other scholars already conducted? What remains undiscovered about this topic? What are the relevant sources, and how readily available are they? Paulette- Research your passion! Strategize and Lead by considering how research findings manifest locally. Evaluate sources to determine if you found global perspectives and conflicting views. Set aside time to identify a real-world problem and reflect on select sources. Develop a research question, demonstrating critical thinking and leadership skills throughout the process. You can get more information on research and HiA by attending the workshop on Saturday afternoon USE THE GUIDE
Are your sources addressing: The theory and history behind your research question; A potential answer to your research question, and/or; Speculation regarding your research question or theme in general Sources need to be in the last 5 years Most credible domains are: .edu .gov .mil Yohana The research can be the hardest part of a project, especially when you can’t find the information you need. As you can see on the slide, we have three steps that you should follow to help with the research. Your sources should be current, no more than 5 years old, unless it’s a groundbreaking piece. USE THE GUIDE
Resource Information Resource Information Sources
8+ academic publications and/or expert sources Different points of view PEER-REVIEWED Significant short-term impact and clear potential for long-term impact Use our Regional library guide located at Click on “Your Region,” scroll down on the left under Regional Info., click on “Carolinas Region Library Resource Guide.” inas Geneffer- There are lots of helpful resources available to you. One of the best is our Carolinas Regional library guide where you can find credible, peer reviewed, sources that relate to each honors in action theme. You can also contact your campus research librarian for assistance.
Potential Actions stemming from our research objectives
HIA - Action HONORS IN ACTION ACTION Potential Actions stemming from our research objectives Setting up a writing workshop with college faculty and high school students from the area Hosting a poetry slam Creating mentoring partnerships between college and high school students Compiling a book of works by campus and community members Create opportunities for the campus and community, connect with local authors and increase awareness of cultural and historic connections Share results of the research process with both campus and community Jason Do NOT limit your action, however, it NEEDS to coincide along with your research. Design, organize and implement a plan of action, solving a real-world issue related to the Honors Study Topic in your community. As you build on to your Honors In Action project, you should develop teams, collaborating and communicating with your college and community to enhance the impact of the project.
Excellently written reports begin with prewriting! Reflect and assess all along the way Consider the HIA Hallmark Award Rubric early in the process to maximize success Keep records – track the numbers! What about the impact? Identify the quantitative and the qualitative! Write Use your resources on campus and beyond (campus librarian, faculty, experts in the field, tutoring, Writing Center, & more Paulette- You will not be doing this in tonight's lightning round, but this is crucial to your end result for your HiA project./USE your journals to keep notes./ Writers: Don’t take it personally. Remember every word counts so choose your words carefully!/ Don't try to impress your readers with a vocabulary that you have not mastered. /Seek clarity.*Don’t forget to mention TRANSFORMATIONS and/or the theme./ Read what you’ve written out loud as a group to check for awkwardness. When looking for your sources, locate a few papers that are similar in topic to your project, read how others have described similar research. Evaluate the research and action success of the project and assess scholarship and teamwork throughout the HIA process. The editing role should be separate from the writing role. Remember the advisor’s role as a coach and a primary reviewer. Enlist the help of others! USE CIVIC SCHOLAR (NOT THE GUIDE )
Start early Observe your local area Set objectives Locate high-quality sources Get out in your community and do some research! Draft/write/edit Submit early Follow the rubric and Use the Guide & Civic Scholar HAVE FUN WITH IT! Geneffer - In conclusion, be sure to start your project early so that you have plenty of time to get everything done and you don’t have to rush to turn in something you’re not finished with. Try to choose an issue that affects your area so you can better understand the issue when researching and talking about it. Give yourselves plenty of time to write, edit, rinse and repeat. It takes a lot of time and coordination to do a project like this so take your time. And lastly, as I like to say, cater to the rubric. The rubric is there to be a guide and tell you what the judges are looking for so don’t be afraid to cater your writing to fit the rubric. Be sure to check for the most updated version. (Hit enter and have fun with it will drop in) Submit your team’s HIA Hallmark Award entry by JANUARY 16th, !!!
Please contact us! We are ready to help YOU succeed!
Paulette LaValley, Regional President Yohana Nava., Vice President of NC Geneffer Sweatman, Vice President of SC Jason Hanson, Regional Secretary Beth Carraway, Carolinas Region Coordinator Jason We want you to succeed. So contact us if you need any help! Thank you! INTRODUCE KISMET
What is Phi Theta Kappa? What Is Phi Theta Kappa?
2nd General Session -9-11 Paulette- Good Morning PTK! Welcome Members to the Carolinas Region Honors Institute, and PTK 101! We are so happy to see you here for a fantastic weekend! While you are here, make sure to get out of your comfort zone and fellowship with others throughout our region to create long lasting relationships, learn, ask questions, and grow! But before we begin discussing Phi Theta Kappa, we would like for you to take a moment, and download the Kahoot! App on your phone or mobile device.
Phi Theta Kappa Geneffer - Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society, headquartered in Jackson, Mississippi, is the largest honor society in higher education with nearly 1,300 chapters on college campuses in all 50 of the United States, plus Canada, Germany, the Republic of Palau, Peru, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, the British Virgin Islands, the United Arab Emirates, Bermuda, Jamaica, and U.S. territorial possessions. More than 3.5 million students have been inducted since its founding in 1918, with approximately 130,000 students inducted annually. Is the world's largest and most prestigious honor society for two-year college students.
Mission Statement The purpose of Phi Theta Kappa shall be to recognize and encourage scholarship among two- year college students. To achieve this purpose, Phi Theta Kappa shall provide opportunity for the development of leadership and service, for an intellectual climate for exchange of ideas and ideals, for lively fellowship for scholars, and for stimulation of interest in continuing academic excellence. Yohana Phi Theta Kappa’s mission is two-fold: Recognize and encourage the academic achievement of two-year college students; and, Provide opportunities for individual growth and development through participation in honors, leadership, service and fellowship programming. Does anyone know who the President and CEO of Phi Theta Kappa is? (wait for answer) Dr. Lynn Tincher-Ladner. She believes in each one of you as well as we do. She truly embodies what Phi Theta Kappa stands for and believes in the mission which helps us grow as scholars and leaders.
The History of Phi Theta Kappa?
1910 – Establishment of Kappa Phi Omicron 1918 – Phi Theta Kappa was founded. 1924 – Symbols of Honor are created. 1929 – Recognized by the American Association of Junior Colleges 1930 – A New Symbol Click Here For More Phi Theta Kappa History Jason- Did you know we were not always known as Phi Theta Kappa… we can trace our beginnings back to Kappa Phi Omicron, an honorary group chartered with only six members in 1910 at Stephens College in Columbia, Missouri. In 1918, students and college presidents of eight Missouri junior college for women unite at Stephens College to organize one new honor society with a common mission. They chose the name Phi Theta Kappa and modeled it after the prestigious senior college honor society Phi Beta Kappa. As Phi Theta Kappa grew, its leaders developed symbols to represent the values of its members and in 1924, the official seal of Phi Theta Kappa was created, which graces all member certificates and diplomas. On November 19, 1929, the American Association of Junior Colleges, now known as the American Association of Community Colleges) recognizes Phi Theta Kappa as the official national honor society for junior colleges. This distinction transforms Phi Theta Kappa into an honor society focused not only on academic recognition, but also on the enrichment and growth of its members. In 1930, Phi Theta Kappa introduces the Golden Key as the Society’s new official pin, featuring the three Greek letters Phi, Theta, and Kappa… representing wisdom, aspiration, and purity. A band of oak leaves denotes stability and strength of character; a band of laurel signifies achievement and success. At the top, the head of Athena, the goddess of learning, is featured, and at the base, the Greek letters forming the words meaning light, the light of learning, and knowledge.
A Symbol & A Meaning ________________________________
Phi – Phronimon – Wisdom Theta – Thumos – Aspiration Kappa – Katharotes – Purity The Colors of Phi Theta Kappa ________________________________ Blue – Scholarship Gold – Purity Jason - POP QUIZ!!! Does anybody know what Phi represents? How about Theta? And Kappa? Does anybody know what the blue and gold colors of Phi Theta Kappa represent? What’s the proper location of your membership pin? (wait for response) Phi Theta Kappa membership pins should not be worn with a t-shirt, but on the left lapel of your shirt or coat. Phi Theta Kappa Etiquette ________________________________ How To Wear Your PTK Membership Pin
The Carolinas Region #NothingCouldBeFiner
84 – Total Chapters 62 – North Carolina 21 – South Carolina 1 – International; Bermuda Yohana- Does anyone know what division we are in? (wait for an answer) We are in Division I. As you can see, we have 83 chapters in North and South Carolina, and 1 in Bermuda.
Membership & Eligibility
A GPA of 3.0, or higher, grants students an invitation. Certificate, High School, and Part-time students are eligible for membership. Cost of Membership is a one-time fee. You are PTK for life. For FAQ’s, please click here PTK FAQ's Geneffer- According to the PTK International Constitution a GPA of at least 3.0 is required to be a member. Individual chapters may decide to adopt this minimum or set higher standards. Phi Theta Kappa membership is a one-time fee to become apart of the PTK family for life. (
The Benefits of Phi Theta Kappa
Membership Recognizes Your Academic Success Phi Theta Kappa Golden Key Membership Pin Phi Theta Kappa Membership Certificate Recognition during college induction ceremony Opportunity to wear Phi Theta Kappa graduation regalia (depending on your college policy) Jason – When you became a member, you should have received a Phi Theta Kappa Golden Key Membership Pin and a Membership Certificate. When you graduate, your certificate or diploma will have the official seal of Phi Theta Kappa, and when you take your glorious and well-deserved walk across the stage, you will be recognized as a member of Phi Theta Kappa in front of your colleagues. And because you accepted membership, you have gained access to purchasing Phi Theta Kappa regalia. So, not only do you get a shout out for being Phi Theta Kappa, you have the chance to walk across the stage with some bling.
The Benefits of Phi Theta Kappa
Membership Recognizes Your Academic Success Official seal of Phi Theta Kappa Notation of membership on your college transcript Press release announcing your academic achievement Yohana - Being a member recognizes all your accomplishments within your chapter. When you graduate, your certificate or diploma will have the official seal of Phi Theta Kappa. You get recognized as being some of the top students and allows colleges to see your success through your projects and service.
The Benefits of Phi Theta Kappa
Membership Empowers You With ?? $37 million in exclusive PTK transfer scholarships FREE enrollment in PTK Connect Opportunity to be published Geneffer - There are soooo many benefits to being a member of Phi Theta Kappa. Of course one of the best is that they award millions of dollars worth of scholarships annually, but that isn’t the only benefit. You will also gain professional skills that help prepare you for your career path, connect with other students with similar goals, gain leadership experience, and have access to endless resources to help you through college. If you’re an aspiring writer, you have the opportunity to be published in Nota Bene, Phi Theta Kappa’s Annual Literary Anthology. The top entry receives a $1000 scholarship.
The Benefits of Phi Theta Kappa
Membership Empowers You With ?? Opportunities to develop research and servant leadership skills Opportunity to become part of a network Personalized letters of recommendation Paulette You are empowered when you participate in Honors in Action programming both at your local chapter and on a regional level. / You can network with more than 3.5 million fellow scholars and servant leaders on nearly 1,300 campuses worldwide. / PTK can help you become stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one's life and claiming one's rights! / You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you must decide what kind of difference you want to make. / Membership includes things such as leadership roles in a personalized letter of recommendation which may be accessed at So what are YOU waiting for!
Be Part of The Community & A Family of Scholars
background of white circle Be Part of The Community & A Family of Scholars Yohana Get involved and become a part of the team of change and impact. A team that helps you grow academically and helps the community. A group of people that want to strive to become the best there is with the ability to impact as much as possible with their hard work and knowledge.
Phi Theta Kappa Programs
PTK Connect PTK Edge Competitive Edge Transfer Edge Five Star Chapter Plan Hallmark Awards Honors Case Study Challenge Honors In Action Civic Scholar Undergraduate Research Journal REACH Awards Nota Bene Literary Competition Jason Phi Theta Kappa provides its members with several programs and initiatives, helping us to become stronger college students and members of our community. They help us strengthen communication and leadership skills, while preparing us for the next step in our lives, whether it’s heading straight into the workforce or transferring to a four-year college or university.
Phi Theta Kappa Scholarships
PTK Scholarship Applications Are Open Year-Round Spring & Fall Scholarship Programs Scholarships for Graduate Students Scholarship Categories Associate Bachelor’s Master’s Other Transfer Scholarships PTK Connect For more information on PTK Scholarships, please click here PTK $CHOLAR$HIP$ Yohana Who likes those Benjamin's? (wait for response) Scholarships are something that every single person in this room should take advantage of. If you need help building your scholarship resume, there is a guide and a template on This is also something some people don’t know about. So, START NOW and don’t miss out on FREE MONEY!!! Did you know the Carolinas Region Alumni Association, Alpha Omega, provides two scholarships for active members? Does anybody know what they are…? The Joan Keller Servant-Leader Scholarship, and the Papa John Sharpe Fellowship Scholarship. Applications will be due when the alumni decide to provide that information…KRISTINA!?!?!?!?
Recognizing Excellence in Acceptance and Completion with Honors
Reach Rewards Recognizing Excellence in Acceptance and Completion with Honors The REACH Rewards program Free Phi Theta Kappa graduation stoles More students experiencing Phi Theta Kappa benefits More members engaged in chapter programs More members for leadership positions Improved college graduation rates Geneffer - Reach stands for Recognizing Excellence in Acceptance and Completion with Honors The reach rewards program was created to reward chapters for growing their membership acceptance and keeping those members involved. The program awards chapters that achieve or exceed a 15 percent membership acceptance rate during the calendar year with free PTK stoles for graduation and helps to motivate new members to get involved.
PTK Connect Connect with scholarships. Connect with colleges.
A free online search tool for transfer scholarships, colleges, and career pathways. Customize your world and broaden your horizons. Connect with scholarships. Connect with colleges. Connect with career pathways. If You Want To Connect, Please Click Here PTK Connect PTK Connect Paulette Companies are looking for top transfer and career bound students just like you. / With PTK Connect you get exclusive access to detailed transfer and career data that will help guide your decisions, /explore colleges scholarship opportunities and career pathways customized by you for you. / You can even favorite them to express interest and access them later from a desktop, phone, or tablet for free. / Finally you can take confident steps towards building the future. Get organized, feel empowered, and stay informed!/ PTK Connect helps you find where you belong. Your next step starts here! /The link in this slide will help you access it when posted on the website. Take control of your future and use it!
Seek Funding – Complete the FAFSA
Search – Research Your Transfer Options Select - Choose Schools That Match Your Goals Secure – Submit Winning Transfer & Scholarship Applications Succeed - Ensure A Successful Transition to University PTK Edge Transfer Phi Theta Kappa's self-paced, interactive online course to prepare students of all backgrounds to successfully transfer from a two-year college to a four-year college. PTK EDGE TRANSFER Geneffer - PTK EDGE TRANSFER is a free online course designed to prepare students of all backgrounds to successfully transfer. More than 1,000 students have enrolled in the self-paced interactive course so far. Transfer Edge walks students through common themes and best practices that will give them the very best shot at successfully transferring to a university that meets their academic and career needs. Transfer Edge seeks to put resources directly in the hands of college students. You’ll find videos, readings, web resources, and quick quizzes that test your knowledge as you go along.
Hallmark Awards Mission Statement
"The Hallmark Awards Program, which reflects the scholarly ideals of Phi Theta Kappa, serves to recognize superior individual and chapter achievement in Society programs. In this program, chapters compete against one another. Participation encourages excellence, reflects fairness, recognizes quality, and leads to enhanced student, advisor, and chapter development.” Jason The Hallmark Awards are Phi Theta Kappa’s prestigious, highly competitive awards program recognizing individuals, chapters and regions for excellence in Phi Theta Kappa programming, priorities and membership development. Award winners are recognized each spring at PTK Catalyst, Phi Theta Kappa’s Annual Convention. 2020 Hallmark Awards Entry Forms will be available online in the Fall. Advisors must provide their chapter members access to the entries by reporting them to HQ as Hallmark Aware Chapter Delegates, ensuring the chapter’s entries are coordinated as a team. Until then, check out the Award Categories, Entry Questions and Judging Rubrics at
Hallmark Awards Dates to Remember
Administrator Awards Due December 5, 2019 Applications for Individual Awards Due January 9, 2020 Applications for Chapter Awards Due January 16, 2020 Regional Awards for Excellence Due January 31, 2020 Applications for Alumni Awards Due January 31, 2020 Paulette = These are the award categories you can enter: Categories for Administrator Awards Include: College Administrator (vice presidents, deans, etc.), Paragon President (for new college presidents), or one of the other 3 in this category. \ Gordon (for college presidents serving 5 years or more), Bennett (for retiring college presidents), and Community College State Director Awards. Categories for Individual Awards Include: There are 7 categories for Individual Awards, 3 for the chapter, and 4 for your advisors: Distinguished Chapter Officer Team, Distinguished Chapter Officer, and Distinguished Chapter Member (not holding an officer position). Or you might consider an Individual Awards for Advisors Which include: Advisor Team, Paragon Advisor, Distinguished Advisor, and Continued Excellence Advisor. Categories for Chapter Awards Include: Honors in Action Project and College Project Awards. Regional Awards for Excellence: The Regional Officers select 3 Regional Awards for Excellence out of 10 categories. This year we decided to submit entries for Leadership,/ Service, and / Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. We need your help to achieve our goals, and your participation in our regional events and projects is crucial to our success. Categories for Alumni Awards Include: The Alumni Association Award of Merit , Hey Kristina, do you plan to submit an award entry this year? (Wait for response). There’s also the Alumni Award of Appreciation, which should be submitted by individual chapters to recognize outstanding alumni help at the chapter level.
Honors Case Study Challenge
The Challenge: Phi Theta Kappa challenges you to read online or print newspapers daily and create an Honors Case Study based upon your reading of newspapers over time that are related to our current Honors Study Topic. The Reward: Be one of the winners of $500! Be recognized at PTK Catalyst 2020 in Grapevine, Texas! Submit by 5:00 pm CST, Monday, November 11, 2019. Jason- Start building your Honors Case Study by selecting five newspaper articles with varying viewpoints on a single topic related to the Phi Theta Kappa Honors Study Topic, Transformations: Acknowledging, Assessing, and Achieving Change. Record the newspaper name, headline, byline (reporter’s name), section name, publication date, and page number(s) for each article selected. The summary for the Honors Case Study should be no more than 500 words and should outline your topic, any issue or controversy about this topic and how the case study examines these issues. The essay itself should include how you predict this topic will influence society in the future and/or what result or outcome you anticipate. Your open-ended questions should be thought-provoking, open-ended and use critical thinking skills to examine this topic from different perspectives. Your Sources can include books, videos, websites (include URL) and /or articles. You may also use online newspapers for the Challenge. If traveling to International Events is not an option, completing an Honors Case Study will count towards becoming a Five Star Chapter, on the Five Star Level. Link to Honors Case Study Challenge
Conferences & Conventions
Carolinas Region Honors Institute (YOU ARE HERE! Mars Hill, NC) Carolinas Region Leadership Conference (November 8 – 10, 2019) Carolinas Regional Convention (March 13 – 15, 2020) PTK Catalyst 2020 (April 2 – 4, 2020) Phi Theta Kappa’s Honors Institute (Chicago, IL) Conferences & Conventions Jason We have the Carolinas Region Leadership Conference just around the corner. It’s November 8th to the 10th. If you’re interested in attending, please get in touch with your advisor. You really don’t want to miss it. We will also have the Carolinas Region Annual Convention from March 13th to 15th in Chapel Hill, NC. where we will celebrate our success as a region. And if you’re interested in something a little bigger, Phi Theta Kappa’s Annual Convention, Catalyst, will be held in TEXAS next year in the beautiful Gaylord Texan in Grapevine, TX. Catalyst is where thousands of Phi Theta Kappans come together, to catch up with distant friends, and show their love and support during the largest celebration of success in community college students. HQ has also mentioned Honors Institute will be held in Chicago, IL again. At Loyola University. This university sits on the edge of the beautiful lake Michigan. If the workshops and seminars weren’t enough, the sheer beauty of this campus is worth the trip. Also, DEEP DISH PIZZA EVERY DAY!!! Intro to Cultural Fair Proposal/KAHOOT! Start Bingo
Benefits of Participating Save Time! Set a Goal Any Time.
2019 Five Star Chapter Plan TRACK YOUR CHAPTER’S SUCCESS _______________________ Benefits of Participating Save Time! Set a Goal Any Time. Increase College Administration Support. Be Recognized! Practice Your Workplace Skills. The deadline to report your chapter’s final level of achievement for the calendar year is January 23, 2020. Paulette Use the Five Star Plan to organize your chapter’s priorities so you can put together a plan of action and start making a difference right away. Plan your work by working the Plan! Five Star Plan activities are completed anytime during the January-December calendar year. While some chapters start in January/February, many don’t get going until summer or even early fall. Even chapters not starting until September can still achieve Five Star if they’re motivated! The deadline to report your chapter’s final level of achievement for the 2019 calendar year is January 23, 2020.
gold star RECOGNIZING ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE AND BUILDING CHAPTER FOUNDATIONS ORGANIZING CHAPTER LEADERSHIP AND ENGAGING MEMBERS GETTING INVOLVED AT THE REGIONAL LEVEL Jason Following the Plan allows your chapter multiple opportunities to build a collaborative partnership with your college administration. ALL achievement levels – from One Star to Five Star -- are recognized locally, regionally and internationally. Your chapter is only competing with itself to reach the highest level possible. Setting goals, planning projects, communicating, working as a team, and being accountable are all key areas to emphasize in your scholarship applications and/or job resumes. Working the Five Star Plan means working on your professional development, too! DEVELOPING A COLLEGE PROJECT AND BUILDING ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT DEVELOPING AN HONORS IN ACTION PROJECT AND GETTING INVOLVED AT THE INTERNATIONAL LEVEL
Five Star Program – Levels 1 and 2
Level One Level Two Organize a membership recruitment campaign. ( Submit the Chapter Annual Report to Headquarters. Review Chapter Bylaws Submit a Five Star level achievement goal. Conduct at least two membership recruitment campaigns Organize Chapter Leadership Geneffer – There are significant changes to the Five Star Chapter Plan this year, so we want to update you on what’s involved in reaching each level and how to become a Five Star Chapter. Level One Create awareness of Phi Theta Kappa among students and faculty on campus ( Review chapter bylaws and make any necessary revisions Submit your chapters annual report to be checked by Headquarters (Click on slide) Level Two Identify eligible students Outline a recruitment plan that includes setting a goal to be recognized as a REACH Rewards chapter Conduct informational meetings about benefits Report chapter leadership Meet twice each month with chapter members and/or officers. Meet with the college president or other administrators to develop and discuss goals of the chapter chapter directory
Five Star Program – Levels 3 and 4
Level Three Level Four Chapter is involved at a regional level. Chronicle chapter activities for historical purposes. Publish chapter news Implement a College Project Enter at least one category in your regional awards program. Host a Phi Theta Kappa awareness event for your chapter. Yohana Level 3: Being involved at the regional level includes running for a regional officer position, hosting a regional meeting, and did you know that by being here today also counts as being involved at the regional level? As a way to chronical your chapter activities, you can post on your social media and/or website. Level 4: Create a college project. It not only helps your college, but it helps your chapter create fellowship. Enter at least one category in the regional awards program and hey, you could win, but you will never know if you don’t enter. Last but not least, create an event to raise PTK Awareness on your campus. Make it fun and informative to have more students involved with your chapter.
Five Star Program –Level 5
Level Five Develop an Honors in Action Project ( Submit at least 3 entries in the 2020 Hallmark Awards Program Chapter representative(s) participates in AT LEAST ONE of the following: Attend 2019 Annual Convention, OR Attend 2019 Honors Institute, OR Participate in at least one level of the new online advisor education curriculum called the Five Star Advisor Plan, OR Submit an entry in the Honors Case Study Challenge Paulette Review the 2018/2019 Honors Program Guide: Transformations: Acknowledging, Assessing and Achieving Change. Select a theme of interest to your chapter Set research objectives and goals and start conducting research on the theme Share the chapter’s Honors in Action research with campus or community Implement an Honors in Action Project Submit at least three entries: your HiA, College Project, and one of the individual awards previously discussed in the Hallmark Award section
College Project College Progect
decorative image with center cut out College Project Paulette – A fun and exciting way to connect with your college administration and community.
What is the College Project?
The college project is designed to help chapters develop a positive relationship between your chapter and college administration. Paulette Can anyone tell me What is the College Project? (Wait for an answer) I want to take a few minutes to talk about the College Project. It is intended to help chapters build positive relationships between the chapters and college administration. By acknowledging a need for change in your college, you are offering a more quality education and college experience to students, faculty, and staff. You’re making a direct impact on the community and the college. The College Project also helps your chapter achieve Three, Four, or Five Stars in the Five Star Chapter Plan. Every year, Phi Theta Kappa selects as many as 50 College Project entries to win a Hallmark Award at Catalyst, the annual convention where all our hard work is rewarded. Would anyone like to tell us a little bit about your college project from last year?
Why Participate in the College Project?
Why Should Your Chapter Participate In A College Project? Engage & Give Back Progression in the Five Star Chapter Plan. Win a Hallmark Award. Jason – Participating in the college project is your chance to get to know your advisors, professors, college administration and fellow students. This is your chance to collaborate with a team and give back to your college. Participation in the college project is also needed for progression in the Five Star Chapter Plan. If you haven’t already, you should start by meeting with your college’s administrators to discuss those needs. Collaboration with the administration should be ongoing throughout project planning and implementation.
College Mission Statement
The College Mission Statement The objectives and values of your college. Differs from college to college. *MUST BE INCLUDED IN YOUR WRITE UP* Paulette- But how do we get there? Phi Theta Kappa states the first step is to schedule a meeting with the college president, or another administrator, to determine what your project will be. / If your chapter has already chosen a few ideas, take those with you. It’s always good to have a backup plan./ But no matter what project you choose, it must reflect the objectives and values of your college, the College’s Mission Statement. / This is different in every school. Make sure you know your college’s mission statement, so you can better assess the College Project. /Most Importantly, Keep the administration updated on your progress and keep detailed notes about your project so that you can write an effective College Project Award entry for the Hallmark Awards competition.
PTK Dean of Academic Affairs & Honors Program
Susan Edwards Phi Theta Kappa’s Dean of Academic Affairs & Honors Program Jason - The woman in this picture, is Ms. Susan Edwards. She is Phi Theta Kappa’s Dean of Academic Affairs and Honors Program, and if you ever cross paths with her, say hello, because her energy is incredible. But she says a couple of things that we believe describes the project perfectly. “Your College Project does not have to be sexy. It is all about communication between your chapter and your college administration to find a project that addresses a need related to your college’s mission.” “Your College Project does not have to be sexy. It is all about communication between your chapter and your college administration to find a project that addresses a need related to your college’s mission.”
College Project Rubric
85 points Preparation 20 points Leadership Development Cooperative Effort/Communications Impact Presentation 5 points Jason We only aim for the top points in each category. Preparation - Chapters should make it a top priority to meet with appropriate administrators to discuss College Project objectives before a project was determined. Leadership Development - Be strategic and thorough in organizing and implementing the project details provided of intentional teamwork between chapter and college officials. Cooperation & Communication - Members should present strong evidence of effective and continuous communication with college administration, like details on how communication was carried out. Before you begin your project, you should reach an agreement on project goals and strategies with college administration. During the project, they should be aware of any progress or updates. And after the project is complete, share your results. Impact - You are expected to present clear, compelling evidence of the outcomes of your project through quantitative data, like the amount of scholarship created, money donated, number of people reached, number of audience members at an event, etc. Presentation - Spelling & Grammar should be FAULTLESS!!! Your college project should reflect your College Mission Statement. It is crucial you know your College Mission Statement AND include it in your College Project Award Entry.
College Project Help Please contact us! We are ready to help YOU succeed! Paulette LaValley, Regional President Yohana Nava., Vice President of NC Geneffer Sweatman, Vice President of SC Jason Hanson, Regional Secretary Beth Carraway, Carolinas Region Coordinator Yohana We are always here and if you ever need help not hesitate to reach out to us! We want all you of you to succeed! There is also a college roundtable this afternoon if you have more questions!
Paulette- Are you ready for this! Carolinas Region projects for 2019! Your participation in the 2 projects we’re going to present now will earn you awards at the regional convention. We hope that you are as excited about these projects as we are.
Carolinas Help for Foster Children Children in the foster care system move homes and consequently, schools, an average of 4-6 times while they are in foster care. Some children may even live in as many as 15 different homes before being adopted or aging out of foster care. As a result, 42% of children in the foster care system will drop out of high school and only 2.5% will graduate from a four-year college. Geneffer….. More than 11,000 children are in foster care in North Carolina and over 4,000 in South Carolina. The number of children in foster care in North Carolina went up 25% from 2012 to 2017 and more than 600 children age out of foster care before being adopted each year. From 2011 to 2016 the north Carolina state child fatality review team investigated 120 child deaths in which DSS was involved with the family but allowed the children to continue living with the family and 31 were deemed either homicides or unlawful deaths. In 2007, a national study by the Pew Charitable trust on the effects of aging out of the foster care system found that one in four will be in prison in only 2 years and one fifth will become homeless. My home state of South Carolina is ranked the 3rd worst state in the decline of available foster beds by the Chronicle for Social Change. This was because between 2012 and 2017 the number of available foster beds declined by 650 while the number of children in foster care went from 3,113 to nearly 4,000.
Carolinas Help for Foster Children HOW CAN YOUR CHAPTER PARTICIPATE? Option 1 Go Shopping! We challenge you to purchase as many items as possible for $20 or less on Saturday afternoon during Honors Institute (see schedule). We will collect your items on Saturday evening. Option 3 Share your knowledge with foster children by volunteering your time tutoring children in local foster homes. Geneffer- Coming out to you now is a copy of the flyer for your regional participation in our Service Project! In our flyer we’ve come up with 3 different options to participate in this service project, but we encourage you to be creative and come up with your own ways to get involved as well. We would also love it if you would participate in our challenge here at Honors Institute to go out and purchase as many items as you can for $20 to donate to the Madison County Social services office. We will accept donations through breakfast tomorrow morning and will deliver them to the office afterwards. Yohana – We will also collect items at our leadership conference in November. You can find the most requested items for Spartanburg County in the link above. Option 2 Host a drive at your school to gather basic supplies and donate items to a foster home or bring them to Carolinas Region Leadership Conference in November. You can find the Spartanburg Social Services Wish List here:
Carolinas Help for Foster Children HOW CAN YOUR CHAPTER PARTICIPATE? Option 1 Go Shopping! We challenge you to purchase as many items as possible for $20 or less on Saturday afternoon during Honors Institute (see schedule). We will collect your items on Saturday evening. Option 3 Share your knowledge with foster children by volunteering your time tutoring children in local foster homes. Paulette- For our Regional HiA project, we decided to explore Theme 9- Systems of belief. Domestic violence is prevalent in every community and affects all people regardless of age, socio-economic status, sexual orientation, gender, race, religion, or nationality. It is a significant public health problem in that it affects millions of people and often results in physical injury, psychological trauma, and even death. The statistics about those who are affected by intimate partner violence are staggering; 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have experienced some form of physical abuse by an intimate partner. It is not limited to heterosexual relationships and can affect individuals of all sexual orientations and genders. Within the LGBTQ community, intimate partner violence occurs at a rate equal to or even higher than that of the heterosexual community. LGBTQ individuals may experience unique forms of intimate partner violence as well as distinctive barriers to seeking help due to fear of discrimination or bias. Physical abuse is often accompanied by emotionally abusive and controlling behavior as part of a much larger, systematic pattern of dominance and control. The devastating consequences of domestic violence can cross generations and last a lifetime. Everyone can help find ways to stop domestic violence, either by donating money or time to a domestic-violence organization, learning more about the problem, teaching children about healthy versus abusive relationships, listening in a nonjudgmental way to a domestic violence victim when he or she shares what they are going through, and giving victims information about where to get help. We invite you to join us to Break The Silence! End Domestic Violence! Option 2 Host a drive at your school to gather basic supplies and donate items to a foster home or bring them to Carolinas Region Leadership Conference in November. You can find the Spartanburg Social Services Wish List here:
Participate In A Workshop During The Regional Leadership Conference
HONORS IN ACTION OPTIONS #1Thing offers the community tangible ways to get involved in the effort to end domestic violence. Download & Distribute Material from the Regional Website to raise Awareness in your College and/or Community Collect Basic Needs Items and/or Funds for your Local Domestic Violence Shelter Paulette -Coming out to you now is a copy of the flyer for your regional participation in our Honors in Action! / What’s the 1 thing you can do? Can you create awareness? / The #1Thing that will end domestic violence is our collective power. We can all do #1Thing towards eradicating domestic violence and to show that violence & abuse have no place in your world. / Along with your Regional HiA flyer we are handing out a Community Pledge. / You now have access to the #1Thing Action Guide and additional resources on our regional website. / These will help you with Option 1 to download and distribute material and raise awareness at your college or even reach out to your community. /Of course you can create your own campaign and materials! Take Pictures! Post them on the Carolinas Region PTK Facebook page! Get involved! / You might also choose option 2 to collect basic need items or funds for a local domestic violence shelter. And lastly, we will have a workshop at the Regional Leadership conference in November. No matter which option you choose, A simple act can change a feeling, someone’s day, or someone’s life. What #1Thing will you do to make a difference? Participate In A Workshop During The Regional Leadership Conference (November 8-10, 2019) #1Thing Action Guide
Enhance Your Soft Skills
Communication skills--both written and oral Critical thinking and research skills Interpersonal skills/emotional intelligence Cultural awareness Planning/organizing/goal setting Professional etiquette Five Star Competitive Edge Strengthen your soft skills Guide you in creating an action plan for the career of your dreams Give you a competitive advantage in achieving your college and career goals! Jason - A college degree doesn’t always guarantee you’ll have the soft skills employers expect. Competitive Edge is designed to make you more marketable to employers and legible for scholarships. No matter the path you’re on, YOU NEED SOFT SKILLS TO SUCCEED! Communication, critical thinking, interpersonal skills, professional etiquette – these are important traits to master no matter what career you’ve chosen. They are waiting for you at Five Star Members will create a Career Development Plan identifying steps necessary to make their dream career a reality, compile a scholarship and/or job resume to use immediately for scholarship applications and/or job interviews, use critical thinking skills to develop an Honors Case Study, examine their leadership style and emotional intelligence, learn tips to better collaborate with others from diverse backgrounds, polish their professional etiquette skills, and have access to an ever-growing Professional Development Video Library.
Five Star Competitive Edge COMPLETION
Certificate of Completion Enhanced Letters of Recommendation from Headquarters Resume Addition Five Star Member Pin Recognition at Regional Convention – Deadline: Dec. 31st Enter To Win A Five Star Member Pin at the Carolinas Region Leadership Conference – Deadline: Oct 31st Five Star Competitive Edge COMPLETION Jason
Don’t Miss Your Chance To Get An Edge Do YOU have what it takes to become a Five Star Member of Phi Theta Kappa? We challenged ourselves, but now, we want you to step up to the edge and reach for the stars. Paulette –Coming out to you now is the Competitive Edge Flyer. We are excited to challenge you, the Carolinas Region, to complete your Five Star Competitive Edge. Instead of only listing “Phi Theta Kappa Member” on your resume, your designation as a Five Star Member shows hiring managers, scholarship judges and admissions officers that you took the initiative to improve your marketable skills as a scholar and a leader. I can tell you from experience, levels 1-4 you can easily do in about 3 hours just because of the short videos you are required to watch. Step 5 will take a little longer (I did mine casually on a Saturday afternoon). Last year, 33 members stepped up to the plate. Will you challenge yourself and reach for the stars? There are approximately 100 people here in this room. Some of you may have already taken this step. If the rest of you would take advantage of this amazing free professional development program, we could easily crush last years numbers. (Challenge: HINT HINT). And this is available to Alumni and Advisors as well! Take this back to your chapter and encourage them to participate! Make it a workshop and do it all together with your members! Have fun with it! Don’t forget to send your confirmation to enter to win one of the 10 free Five Star Membership Pins at the Leadership Conference! And remember, you can always contact us should you need any help or have questions! Do You Want A Chance To Win A Free Five Star Membership Pin? Submit your confirmation to the Regional Secretary, Jason Hanson, by October 31, 2019 and your name will be put into a drawing at the Carolinas Region Leadership Conference in Spartanburg, SC at Spartanburg Community College, Downtown Campus (November 8 – 10, 2019). CONTACT INFORMATION Regional President: Paulette LaValley – North Carolina Vice President: Yohana Nava – South Carolina Vice President: Gennefer Sweatman: Regional Secretary: Jason P Hanson – Regional Coordinator: Beth Carraway – Get An Edge
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