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Quiz Review “Newton’s 2nd Law”

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1 Quiz Review “Newton’s 2nd Law”
CB: __(your name)___

2 Mark it right OR wrong. Each problem is worth 1 point.
For each Question

3 #1 What is the formula for Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion?
They might have written it slightly differently. For example, F=MA Force = Mass x Acceleration #1 What is the formula for Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion?

4 #2 In your own words, describe Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion.
As long as their definition is similar, they get the answer correct. Acceleration of an object depends on its Mass and the Force you applied. #2 In your own words, describe Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion.

5 #3 For #3-4, write the NET FORCE. (Direction & Newtons)
Only one possible answer. 160 #3 For #3-4, write the NET FORCE. (Direction & Newtons)

6 #4 For #3-4, write the NET FORCE. (Direction & Newtons)
Only one possible answer. (no direction, because no movement) 0 #4 For #3-4, write the NET FORCE. (Direction & Newtons)

7 Their answer must be similar to the answer below
Their answer must be similar to the answer below. If they did not use all 3 words, it is automatically wrong. A car has more mass, so it takes more force to accelerate. #5 What requires more force to move, a textbook or a car? Must use key words: FORCE, MASS, ACCELERATION.

8 Answer must be in Newtons
F=M x A F= 20kg x 5m/s² F=100 Newtons #6 Vincent is pushing a shopping cart. It weighs 20kg. He is pushing it at an acceleration of 5 m/s² With how much force is he pushing?

9 They must get each part correct to get ONE POINT.
MASS: __8 kg__ INITIAL VELOCITY: __0 ft/s__ FINAL VELOCITY: __12 ft/s__ (d / t = 24ft / 2s) TIME: __2 seconds__ ACCELERATION: _6 ft/s²_ (Vf-Vi / t = / 2) FORCE: ­__48 Newtons__ (F=MxA F=8x6) #7 Bob the bobcat is waiting on a tree branch. He is fairly light at 8 kg, so the branch can support his weight. A little baby deer walks right beneath his tree. He pounces down onto poor Bambi and gets the kill. His leap downward took about 2 seconds. The tree branch was 24 feet tall.

10 7 points possible +___ / 7 # correct out of 7

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