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A FD model explaining latency of MT cell activation.

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1 A FD model explaining latency of MT cell activation.
A FD model explaining latency of MT cell activation. A, Simple physical model of odor molecules delivery to the receptors. During inhalation, odorized air (yellow) is drawn into the nose with velocity u(t). The OSNs (green) are located at an average distance L from nasal opening. Air velocity is proportional to pressure measured via cannula u(t) ∼ P(t). B, A schematic of pressure signal temporal profiles, P(t) for three representative sniff cycles. C, Integrals of pressure signals: . Left panel, A schematic distribution of values of integrals over the whole inhalation interval normalized to their mean value, . For a given value of an integral, for example, λ=0.5 in normalized coordinates, we estimate time points for which: , here are normalized pressure traces. D, Raster plots of spiking data from a representative cell, aligned to different values of λ. Black line shows end of the inhalation. See also Extended Data Figures 4-1, 4-2. Roman Shusterman et al. eNeuro 2018;5:ENEURO ©2018 by Society for Neuroscience

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