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Presentation on theme: "NAME THAT REVOLUTIONARY!"— Presentation transcript:


2 l voice of the American Revolution or just pure Propaganda!
Loyalists give author’s new book two thumbs down! l By the Declaration of Independence, dreaded by the foes an for a time doubtfully viewed by many of the friends of America, everything stood on a new and more respectable footing, both with regard to the operations of war or negotiations with foreign powers.  Woman Writer of the year! Mercy Otis Warren voice of the American Revolution or just pure Propaganda!

3 July 4, 1776…The Date That Changed the World!
We hold these truths to be self-evident…that all men are created equal with certain unalienable rights…life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness July 4, 1776…The Date That Changed the World! The author of one of America’s most powerful documents speaks.

4 Breaking News! 7 Warships now ready to attack the British invaders!
John Paul Jones Founder of the U.S. Navy!

5 Founded secret Committees of Correspondence to inform this group throughout the 13 colonies.
Samuel Adams Go Patriots! Involved in the Boston Tea Party!

6 1st to die for the Patriot cause in the Boston Massacre

7 2nd Continental Congress Named Him General of the Continental Army!
How I managed to kept the troops together at Valley Forge George Washington

8 We do not need any kings! I call for Independence!
sh 10 million copies sold of bestseller “Common Sense!” Thomas Paine Controversial Pamphlet We do not need any kings! I call for Independence!

9 Hero warns of approaching British Attack!
Wentworth Cheswell

10 Benjamin Franklin 1706 Born in Boston 1732 Published the first edition of Poor Richard's Almanac 1778 Negotiated and signed Treaty of Alliance with France 1787 Served as delegate to the Philadelphia Convention 1790 Died in Philadelphia

11 Route because “The British Are Coming!”
Paul Revere Route because “The British Are Coming!” One if by land, Two if by sea! Created this engraving of the Boston Massacre ( 1770)

12 James Armistead Spy for the colonial army, posing as a servant at British Headquarters.

13 Give Me Liberty, Or Give Me Death!
Patrick Henry Give Me Liberty, Or Give Me Death!


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