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Guidance on customising this resource

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1 Guidance on customising this resource
How to demonstrate depth and breadth in assignments In this resource: Breadth can be demonstrated through connecting the knowledge from different disciplines, with a view to provide a wider context/ scope or a historical perspective. Depth assumes author’s engagement with the subject knowledge at a more profound level, in order to ‘drill down’ to the roots of the discussed / analysed topic. Both depth and breadth can often be seen in analysis and synthesis. This resource contains example(s) of deminstrating depth and breadth in Applied Social Studies-related disciplines. Follow the steps below to customise the slides for your course: Choose an appropriate example extract from a student assignment (graded A) Copy the extract into the example slides (slide 4) Highlight words and phrases that illustrate effective demonstration of depth and breadth Provide the full version of the assignment  students identify further examples (slide 5) Encourage the students to bring in their own writing (slide 5) Delete guidance slide 1 in this resource before using in your sessions Task 1 – have the whole assignment to show students PAD team for further guidance

2 Write to attract a higher grade: How to demonstrate depth and breadth of knowledge
Skills Edge Project Workshop

3 How to demonstrate depth and breadth of knowledge in your writing
Discussion: How do we demonstrate ‘depth’ and ‘breadth’ in academic writing? What do we mean by ‘depth’ and ‘breadth’ in academic writing? Why would your lecturers want to see this in your work? Think of parts of assignments - where would it be most suitable to demonstrate ‘depth’ and ‘breadth’? How might you be able show evidence of ‘depth’ and ‘breadth’ in your assignments? How to demonstrate depth and breadth of knowledge in your writing

4 How to demonstrate depth and breadth of knowledge in your writing
Example 1. How does the author achieve ‘depth’ and ‘breadth’ in the following extract? Is Garland’s (2001) “culture of control” theory evident in current policy in dealing with young people who offend / at risk of offending with regard to Anti-social behaviour (ASB) in Luton? If evident how does this impact on implementation and type of offending behaviours? This New Labour shift in crime control focused on ASB which started to control and criminalise behaviours that were not illegal previously. These legislations had a focus on low level crime committed by marginalised groups in society, (young people, disruptive families etc.) which may previously been seen as a welfare need. These changes impacted on the CJS as reforms took place which took responsibilities away from government “experts” (BREO ), reformed agencies and gave some responsibility to the community with the introduction of the CSP’s. Locally LYOS Prevention Workers can work with young people who are at risk of being involved in ASB; this however can lead to “criminalisation of younger children and minor offences” (Muncie 2006). Luton YISP (Project Turnaround) provided prevention interventions during the last Labour government however this was decommissioned and brought in-house due to prioritising and redistribution of funding when the Coalition government came into power. Example: BP SLA assignment How to demonstrate depth and breadth of knowledge in your writing

5 How to demonstrate depth and breadth of knowledge in your writing
Task 1: Can you identify any other examples of ‘depth’ and ‘breadth’ in the text provided? Justify your answer. Task 2: Try to identify evidence of ‘depth’ and ‘breadth’ in both your own and your peers’ writing Task 1 – have the whole assignment to show students How to demonstrate depth and breadth of knowledge in your writing

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