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By: Anne Turner November 19, 2007

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1 By: Anne Turner November 19, 2007
Canto 25 By: Anne Turner November 19, 2007

2 This is a picture of the different circles in the Divine Comedy.

3 Summary In Canto 25 we are in the 7th level of the 8th circle. The 8th circle is known as the Malebolge which has 10 levels. The 8th Circle includes those who have committed simple fraud. This circle includes: pimps and seducers, flatterers, simonists, soothsayers, barrators, hypocrites, thieves, evil counselors, schismatics and counterfeiters. The souls in this level are there for being thieves and there punishment is that they have to walk backwards for eternity. Dante and Virgil encounter many souls in this level. In the 8th circle they are on the morning of Holy Saturday.

4 Main Characters

5 Cacus was a Centaur which is half man and half horse.
Characters Vanni Fucci Cacus There are several souls that Dante and Virgil encounter. Vanni Fucci was from Pistoia and he was a Black Guelph which means he and Dante were on different sides. Vanni Fucci was punished there for robbing the church. Vanni Fucci sticks the finger to Dante while they are fighting but actually he stuck the finger to God. Cacus was a Centaur which is half man and half horse. Cacus was also a thief and he is punished by having to walk backwards for the rest of eternity. Hercules killed Cacus because he stole his cattle.

6 This is a picture of the 7th level
This is a picture of the 7th level. Vanni Fucci and Cacus are displayed in the picture.

7 Scenery The 8th circle was full of snakes and these snakes are wrapped around the souls that are punished there. The scenery in this circle is pictured as hell. Flames take over the souls and they turn into ash but reform and this process continues. The 7th level resembles the other levels as they are all represented as hell.

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