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The Cold War Heats Up.

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1 The Cold War Heats Up

2 I. Civil War in China The United States supported the Nationslists.
The Communist win Containment failed in China!!!! D. Fear of communism grows

3 II. The Korean War Truman doesn’t want containment to fail in Korea so he sends troops to fight against the communist in North Korea. The War ends in a stalemate but increases fears of Communism in the US.

4 III. McCarthyism The Anti-Communist Senator went on a witch hunt looking for communist. They loyalty review board was established to find communist who were working for the government.

5 C.The House Un-American Activities committee investigated the movie industry
The Hollywood 10 refused to testify because the questioning was unconstitutional 2. Hollywood executives created a blacklist of people who would not get hired anymore because they were accused of being communist

6 IV. The Rosenbergs Accused of helping the Soviet Union develop the Atomic Bomb B. Sentenced to death for espionage

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