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The Protestant Reformation

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1 The Protestant Reformation

2 Complaints about the Church
Priests didn’t know basic church teachings Pope too involved in politics Church too rich (one of richest institutions in Europe)


4 (Complaints, cont.) Indulgences
people paid $ to buy forgiveness for sins so they’ll spend less time in purgatory paying for their sins

5 Desiderius Erasmus Dutch priest and writer that called for reform from within church Church’s problems caused by lazy clergy

6 Martin Luther German priest Called for religious reform
95 Theses – Oct. 31, 1517 nailed to church door list of criticisms of church - indulgences bad - people didn’t need to give $ or do charity work to get to heaven. Belief & living by Bible enough.

7 (cont) Bishops, Pope, & Holy Roman Emperor outraged
labeled heretic & excommunicated called to appear for hearing; declared outlaw & banished One noble agreed with Luther, helped him escape, & hid him

8 (Luther, cont.) Caused split in church – those who agreed with Luther called Protestants (because they protest). (Luther didn’t intend for split, but it happened) Protestants who followed Luther known as Lutherans

9 Luther’s teachings “Priesthood of all believers” – everyone could have a direct relationship w/God – didn’t have to go through priest - belief should be based on Bible, not tradition Translated New Testament into German; commoners could read for themselves Wrote pamphlets, essays & songs about his ideas

10 Teachings (cont.) Did not think church should be involved in politics. German nobles liked this idea & allowed people to become Lutherans, newly dominant church in Germany

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