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Alternative Medicine.

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Presentation on theme: "Alternative Medicine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alternative Medicine

2 What is Alternative Medicine
Approaches to diagnosing and treating that is different than standard medicine.

3 Types Chiropractor Massage therapy Acupuncture Herbal Medicine

4 Chiropractor Treats clients without drugs or surgery
Uses manual adjustments and physical exercises Treatment is focused on the spine

5 Adjustments Treatment to realign the vertebrae when there is subluxation (out of place) May hear “popping sound” Goal is to restore function of spinal nerves

6 Why see a chiropractor? Back, arm, neck, shoulder, or leg pain
Frequent headaches Sports or work injuries

7 Chiropractor zokY

8 Massage Therapy Uses pressure, kneading, vibration, and tapping to positively affect health Helps client relax and reduce stress Helps relax muscles Work in spas, offices, or clients homes

9 Other benefits Improves concentration Promotes sleep Relaxes mind
Releases tension Boosts immune function

10 Types of Massage Therapy

11 Swedish Massage Best known-used on soft tissues of body
Stimulates circulation and lymph flow Utilizes 5 basic strokes: kneading, rolling, vibration, percussion, and tapping Oil is used to reduce friction

12 Neuromuscular Massage
Applied to specific muscles

13 Shiatsu and acupressure
Finger pressure is used Balances energy flow Generally done on mat in floor

14 Reiki Use visualization and touch to balance energy flow.
Brings healing energy to specific organs and glands Promotes emotional and physical healing

15 Acupuncture Brings two opposite forces of yin and yang together in harmony Used for pain management

16 Acupuncture Inserts thin, hollow needles under the skin (up to 1 inch)
May twirl, raise, rotate, thrust, or vibrate the needles Usually lasts minutes

17 Electro-acupuncture Used to relieve or prevent pain
Very small amount electrical current applied thru needles Uses high frequency current which can block the pain

18 Moxibustion Applies heat to the points where needles are inserted

19 Acupuncture NkyY JeLM QFruc

20 Acupressure No needles
Points stimulated using instrument or finger pressure

21 Herbal Medicine Use leaves, flowers, berries, stems, and roots of herbs Used to prevent, relieve, or treat illnesses Prepare meds based on diagnosis No license or certification required

22 Herbal cont. Have powerful effects
Must know correct type and amount needed for individual Side effects are possible Contraindicated in pregnancy

23 Alternative Medicine Project
Typed or neatly written Title at top with your name and class period Describe the career History-who invented, when, where? How it is performed or given, job duties? What does it treat or what is it used for? Any side effects or contraindications? Education or certification required?

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