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2 Nowadays life is changing in every way
Nowadays life is changing in every way. We have internet and this can, or not, help us to cummunicate with other people. Times are changing and there is no going back. Undoubtedly, there have been many changes since our ancestors used quilt pens to write their thoughts but, are all the processes brought about by technology positive?

3 Nowadays text messages, twittering and s are a new reality in our language that has some great advantages but also some disadvantages. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram. Who has not heard of these ways of communication? They are part of our everyday lives and we need to adapt and accept them. Effective and instant communication? Yes, but are there any negative consequences?

4 Nowadays, due to the use of social networks , people write a lot more than ever to communicate with others. However, text messages, twittering and s, might they be an accepted part of the language we use in our everyday lives? The social media has made communication easier and faster than ever before. Thanks to twitter and google the flow of information is growing sponentially but, how is language being affected?

5 Nowadays, writing communication is changing and my opinion technology is the main responsible for this change. Written communication has changed almost beyond recognition. Technology has provided us with faster and more efficient ways to inform and to be informed. However, will our keyboards bring the downfall of our language as we know it today?

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