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Overview of Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute and its programs

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1 Overview of Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute and its programs
ASMI 101 Overview of Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute and its programs

ASMI is a marketing organization with the mission of INCREASING THE ECONOMIC VALUE of the Alaska seafood resource through: Increasing the positive awareness of the Alaska Seafood brand; Collaborative marketing programs that align ASMI and industry marketing efforts for maximum impact within the food industry; Championing the sustainability of Alaska’s seafood harvests and Alaska’s robust and transparent fisheries management; Proactive marketing planning to address short and long-term goals while remaining flexible and responsive to a changing environment and economy; Quality assurance, technical industry analysis, education, advocacy and research; Prudent, efficient fiscal management. Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute (ASMI) A public-private partnership between the State of Alaska and the Alaska seafood industry established to foster economic development of a renewable natural resource.

3 CAP Experts from foodservice, wholesale & retail industries
Operational and Species Committees Board appointed industry members CAP Experts from foodservice, wholesale & retail industries Board of Directors ASMI Executive Director ASMI PROGRAMS International Domestic Seafood Technical Sustainability Global Food Aid Communications 9 regional programs 41 countries Regional Campaigns Trade Shows and Missions Foodservice/Retail Domestic Promotions and Partnerships National Campaigns Quality Safety Nutrition Research and Reports Five Pillars of Sustainability Gold Standard for Fisheries Mgmt RFM Certification Program SNP/US Food Aid School Lunch Program Global Aid Consumer PR Industry Outreach Media Relations

4 60% 60% Export Markets of Alaska Seafood is exported
value of Alaska Seafood from exports Building off the last slide… Because ASMI has limited funding we can’t be everywhere but we can be strategic of where we place or marketing efforts. The blue dots represent where ASMI has active marketing programs. The larger the dot the larger the import value Exports are incredibly important for Alaska seafood and make up 60% of the value in a given year, with the same amount of the harvest 60% exported. AK seafood exported to 120 countries with our top trade partner being China and our largest end-user markets being Japan and the EU.

5 INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM Global Marketing Efforts
ASMI Global Promotions 9 Regional Programs in 41 Countries: Japan China South America Northern Europe Central Europe Southern Europe Western Europe Eastern Europe South East Asia Program Activities Consumer PR and Promotion Trade Outreach, In-bound & Out-bound missions, shows, expos, retail merchandising Foodservice Outreach and PR, in-bound chef missions, chef trainings, HRI trade shows, menu promotions ASMI Focuses its marketing efforts in two primary programs: International and Domestic We have 8 regional programs that reach over 31 countries worldwide We also have a very strong domestic presence that can be broken down into four categories

6 Domestic Marketing: Retail
Increase consumer consumption of Alaska seafood: Partner with major retailers Retail employee training materials Marketing/POS materials Industry trade publications Recipe development

7 Domestic Marketing: Foodservice
Increase brand awareness and Alaska seafood consumption in partnership with: Foodservice operators Foodservice distributors Colleges and Universities

8 Seafood Technical Program
Connect and support industry and ASMI programs in all aspects of: Seafood Quality Safety Traceability Utilization Nutrition Scientific Innovation QUALITY SAFETY SCIENCE NUTRITION The goal for the program is to connect with the industry and provide resources in multiple technical categories including: seafood quality, safety, traceability, utilization, nutrition, and promoting innovative opportunities in science and research for Alaska seafood. An important component of the technical program is to provide support for ASMI’s marketing programs on technical matters. This past year, I have worked to find more opportunities for collaboration not only within ASMI’s programs, but also with research institutions, ngos, partner seafood industry groups, local Alaska community seafood advocates, and diet and nutrition experts.

9 Sustainability & Responsible Fisheries Management Certification
Provide resources & support to all ASMI Programs on our Five pillars of Sustainability AK RFM Program was the 1st to be GSSI Recognized, July 2016 Sustainability and Responsible Fisheries Management Program Third-party certification program for wild-capture fisheries Promotes Legally and Ecologically responsible Fisheries Provides credible standards for sustainable fishing Allows companies to demonstrate responsible sourcing to customers Recognition from GSSI

10 Global Food Aid Program
EXPANDING PRODUCTS Started with Wild Alaska Canned Salmon Frozen Wild Alaska Whole Grain Breaded Pollock Fish Sticks Frozen Wild Alaska Frozen Pollock Portions Wild Alaska Kosher Canned Pink Salmon Wild Alaska Frozen Sockeye/Coho Salmon Fillets Wild Alaska Herring Fillets Wild Alaska Canned Herring Wild Alaska Salmon Fillet Portions Canned Wild Alaska Pink and Keta Salmon Wild Alaska Pollock Blocks Positioning Alaska Seafood as a sought-after protein among Food Aid Programs Globally and Domestically Expanding future consumer base

11 Communications Program
Support ASMI Programs Photos, video collections, collateral development Serve as ASMI’s spokesperson Increase Awareness Among Key Audiences New Media tours, newsletters, AK Legislative visits Public Relations Social media, press outreach

12 Economics of Alaska Seafood

13 What is the Customer Advisory Panel (CAP)?
Mission To provide feedback on effectiveness of ASMI marketing activities and suggestions for how ASMI can react to changes and best position Alaska Seafood in the market Consists of global members from Foodservice Wholesale Retail Grocery Advises the ASMI Board on Market challenges Changes in market forces

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