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Gender sensitive indicators in education

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1 Gender sensitive indicators in education
Rezart Xhelo Policy Specialist – GRB & Statistics, UN Women Albania

2 WHY? UN Women mandate to mainstream gender in all field;
Sex-disaggregated data are important for evidence based policy making; Statistics needed to monitor gender equality commitments of the GoA; CEDAW Article 10 – women & men have equal opportunities to education and training.

3 MDG2: Achieve high quality basic universal education

4 Enrollment ratio in pre-school
Ensure universal enrollment by (100%) - Progress from 2002 to ; Drastic decrease in 2008, perhaps due to: various dimensions of pre-school quality, cost of private institutions, innigration, etc. Source: LSMS 2002, 2005 & 2008

5 Gross enrolment in primary education
2015 target 100% - The decreasing trend , especially for girls requires further investigation! - Are boys more likely than girls to be repeaters at the primary level??? Source: INSTAT, 2011

6 Net enrolment in primary education
2015 target 100% - Net enrolment decreased by 19% for boys and 16.3% for girls; - There’s a reverse trend slightly lower for boys since 2008. - Are schools gender-sensitive environments? Source: WB data-base, 2012

7 Literacy rate (15years and above)
2015 target 100% there’s a gender gap increase; - twice as many illiterates among the poor as the non-poor; - twice as many illiterate women as illiterate men; - 4% illiterate people in urban vs. 6% illiterate in rural areas; Source: WB data-base, 2012

8 MDG 3: Promote gender equality and empower women
Women find employment predominantly in jobs requiring either very low or very high levels of education.

9 Net enrolment in mandatory education
2015 target 100% Gender differences are evident at pre-school, mandatory & high school level. Source: INSTAT, 2011

10 Completion of high school
- There’s a tendency of boys to leaving education after the mandatory one. There’s no differences between rural and urban.

11 Ratio in vocational education
- Vocational education not really attractive for girls; - The majority of courses offered are so-called “male professions” - Few girls attend vocational courses in rural settings. Source: INSTAT, 2011

12 Gender and education In all types of education: marked sex segregation of courses and disciplines along traditional gender roles and stereotypes. Women make up roughly 70% of academic staff  But, less than 30% of women are directors at edu institutions. University programs have become more and more gender sensitive.

13 Gender and education After mandatory education, boys are 10% more likely to proceed with high-school education; However, at the end of high school, a significantly higher number of girls than boys obtain a secondary school diploma; Roughly 2/3 of all full-time university students in Albania are female; Access to education is not yet fully ensured for minority groups; Supporting studies, are required in the areas of net enrolment, literacy, and school drop-out. The gender stereotyped character of vocational education needs to be addressed. (VET Strategy)

14 What we do So far… Forward … Harmonized indicators on GE & the status of women in Albania; National Rep on the Status of Women & GE Gender Wage Gap report Gender sensitive revision of textbooks; Raising gender awareness of teachers; 5-year official statistical programme. Joint program on Statistics; Monitoring and reporting; Specific analysis and interpretation of Annual Statistical Yearbook; Refine data according to ethnicity, disability & spatial residence; Run special support programmes for the establishment of non- traditional occupational profiles for both girls and boys.

15 Thank you …By combining the equal access to education with equal participation within education, we can achieve gender equality through education... Tel: Tirana, Albania

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