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1 Cells

2 Only (i)、(ii) and (iii)
A typical animal cell has cell wall cell membrane cytoplasm nucleus vacuole Only (ii) 、(iii) and (v) Only (ii) 、(iii) and (iv) Only (i) 、(ii) and (v)

3 Only (i) and (ii) Only (ii) and (iii) Only (i) and (iii)
2. What are the functions of cell membrane? It maintains the integrity of cell structure. (ii) Separate the cell from the outside world. (iii) It provides a place for chemical reactions to take place. Only (ii) and (iii) Only (i) and (iii) (i)、(ii) and (iii)

4 3. The function of the nucleus is
to maintains the integrity of cell structure. Separate the cell from the outside world. to control cell activities. to carry out photosynthesis.

5 4. The materials inside the nucleus are called
cytoplasm. Chromatin/Chromosomes. mineral. starch.

6 5. The materials inside chromatin are called

7 6. The cell wall of a plant cell is made up of
cellulose. protein. starch. mineral.

8 7. Which structure can trap light energy in a plant cell?
Cell wall Chloroplast Vacuole Cytoplasm

9 8. Why cell division is important to living things?
Allow living things to excrete. Allow living things to breathe. Allow living things to grow. Allow living things to move.

10 9. The basic unit of a human body is
a cell. a tissue. an organ. a system.

11 10. Organs with similar functions will group
together to form a cell. a tissue. a system. a body.

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